Switching and Safety Web Service
There are two versions of this web service. One uses rpc-literal style and the other uses document-literal style. Both versions provide the same set of operations.
Port SwmanServiceBeanPort
Location: https://<nms host>:<nms port>/ExternalSwmanServiceImpl/SwmanServiceBean
Protocol: SOAP
Encoding style: rpc
Transport protocol: SOAP over HTTP
Target Namespace: http://www.oracle.com/ugbu/nms
Port SwmanServiceDocBeanPort
Location: https://<nms host>:<nms port>/ExternalDocSwmanServiceImpl/SwmanServiceDocBean
Protocol: SOAP
Encoding style: document
Transport protocol: SOAP over HTTP
Target Namespace: http://www.oracle.com/ugbu/nms
Retrieves safety document by handle.
Operation Type: Request-response. The endpoint receives a message, and sends a correlated message.
Input: GetSafetyDocument (soap:body, use = literal)
docHdl type handle
Safety document handle.
Output: GetSafetyDocumentResponse (soap:body, use = literal)
safetyDoc type SafetyDoc
Safety document
id - nillable; type long
Safety document identifier
externalId - optional; type normalizedString
Safety document external identifier
handle - nillable; type handle
Safety document handle
docType - nillable; type normalizedString
Safety document type
state - optional; type State
Real-time state
swSheet - optional; type handle
Switching sheet handle
deleted - optional; type boolean
Safety document deleted flag
version - optional; type long
Safety document version (used for optimistic locking)
extensions - optional; type ArrayOfExtensionField
Extension fields
steps - optional; type ArrayOfSwStep
Switching steps associated with this safety document
step - optional, unbounded; type SwStep
Switching step
cls - nillable; type long
Switching step class
id - nillable; type long
Switching step identifier
parentId - optional; type long
Parent step
groupNumber - optional; type long
Group number
device - optional; type handle
Handle of the main device associated with this switching step
deviceAlias - optional; type normalizedString
Alias of the main device associated with this switching step
controlZone - optional; type ControlZone
Switching step control zone
phases - optional; type phaseCode
Phases of the main device affected by this switching step
availablePhases - optional; type phaseCode
All phases of the main device associated with this switching step
secondaryDevice - optional; type handle
Handle of the secondary device associated with this switching step
groundNode - optional; type handle
Grounding node associated with this switching step
condition - optional; type handle
Condition associated with this switching step
state - optional; type State
Switching step real-time state
controlAction - optional; type ControlAction
Control Tool action
action - nillable; type normalizedString
switchingCode - optional; type normalizedString
attribute - optional; type long
[a] cls - required; type normalizedString
[a] idx - required; type normalizedString
[a] key - required; type long
Switching step control action
revision - optional; type long
Switching step revision number
description - optional; type string
comments - optional; type string
plannedOffset - optional; type duration
Planned offset
createTime - optional; type dateTime
Date/time when this step was created
createUser - optional; type normalizedString
User who created this step
updateTime - optional; type dateTime
Date/time when step was last updated
updateUser - optional; type normalizedString
User who made the latest update this step
instructTime - optional; type dateTime
Date/time when step was instructed
instructUser - optional; type normalizedString
User who instructed this step
executeTime - optional; type dateTime
Date/time when step was executed
executeUser - optional; type normalizedString
User who executed this step
executeOrder - optional; type long
Step execution order
operationOutcome - optional; type normalizedString
Operation outcome
undoOperationOutcome - optional; type normalizedString
Undo operation outcome
resultOfOperation - optional; type normalizedString
Result of operation
resultFeeders - optional; type normalizedString
Result feeders
lastResultOfOperation - optional; type normalizedString
Last result of operation
editedOperation - optional; type normalizedString
Edited operation
modelBuild - optional; type normalizedString
Step affected by model build
safetyDocId - optional; type long
Safety document id (for safety-related steps)
safetyDevStatus - optional; type normalizedString
Status of the device as it pertains to the associated safety document. This is used to keep track of a user's modifications to a safety document's device list. ADD - The device has been added as part of a viewer device selection. ADD_STEP - The device has been added as part of a switching sheet step association. COND_APPLIED - The condition has been applied and updated to the device in the device list. INCOMPLETE - The device is associated to a switching step where the condition has already been applied to the device. REMOVE - The device has been marked for removal and will be removed the next time the document transitions from the Unissued to Issued state. REMOVED - The device has been removed from the device list. These devices are filtered out of the device list.
safetyCondAdded - optional; type long
Safety document version number where this safety condition step was added
safetyCondRemoved - optional; type long
Safety document version number where this safety condition step was added
crews - optional; type ArrayOfCrewId
Crew ids
extensions - optional; type ArrayOfExtensionField
Extension fields
crews - optional; type ArrayOfSafetyCrew
Crew information associated with this safety document
crew - optional, unbounded; type SafetyCrew
Crew information associated with a safety document
crewId - optional; type normalizedString
Crew id
position - optional; type normalizedString
Position the crew is in with regards to the zone of protection
auditLog - optional; type ArrayOfAuditLogEntry
Audit log entries
log - optional, unbounded; type AuditLogEntry
Audit log entry
id - nillable; type long
Audit log entry identifier
entryType - optional; type normalizedString
Audit log entry type
userLog - optional; type string
User log
device - optional; type handle
Device handle
deviceAlias - optional; type normalizedString
Device alias
state - optional; type State
revision - optional; type long
Revision number
comment - optional; type string
Log comment
phases - optional; type phaseCode
crews - optional; type ArrayOfCrewId
Crew ids
Fault: OmsServiceException (soap:fault, use = literal)
fault type OmsServiceException
Retrieves all safety documents for a switching sheet.
Operation Type: Request-response. The endpoint receives a message, and sends a correlated message.
Input: GetSafetyDocumentsForSheet (soap:body, use = literal)
sheetHdl type handle
Switching sheet handle.
Output: GetSafetyDocumentsForSheetResponse (soap:body, use = literal)
safetyDocs type ArrayOfSafetyDoc
List of safety documents
safetyDoc - optional, unbounded; type SafetyDoc
Safety document (see GetSafetyDocument)
Fault: OmsServiceException (soap:fault, use = literal)
fault type OmsServiceException
Retrieves switching sheet by handle.
Operation Type: Request-response. The endpoint receives a message, and sends a correlated message.
Input: GetSwitchingSheet (soap:body, use = literal)
sheetHdl type handle
Switching sheet handle
Output: GetSwitchingSheetResponse (soap:body, use = literal)
swSheet type SwSheet
Switching sheet
id - nillable; type long
Switching sheet identifier
handle - nillable; type handle
Switching sheet handle
externalId - optional; type normalizedString
Switching sheet external identifier
device - optional; type handle
Handle of the main device associated with this switching sheet
deviceAlias - optional; type normalizedString
Alias of the main device associated with this switching sheet
controlZone - optional; type ControlZone
Switching sheet control zone
owner - optional; type normalizedString
Switching sheet owner
revision - optional; type long
Switching sheet revision number
version - nillable; type long
Switching sheet version (used for optimistic locking)
checkedIn - optional; type normalizedString
Switching sheet is checked in
state - optional; type State
Real-time state
createTime - optional; type dateTime
Date/time when this sheet was created
createUser - optional; type normalizedString
User who created this sheet
updateTime - optional; type dateTime
Date/time when this sheet was last updated
updateUser - optional; type normalizedString
User who updated this sheet last
lockedTime - optional; type dateTime
Date/time when sheet was locked
lockedUser - optional; type normalizedString
User who locked this sheet
startTime - optional; type dateTime
Date/time when execution of this switching sheet is expected to start
finishTime - optional; type dateTime
Date/time when execution of this switching sheet is expected to finish
completedTime - optional; type dateTime
Completion date/time
reworkDescription - optional; type string
Rework description
reworkTime - optional; type dateTime
Rework date/time
defaultOffset - optional; type duration
Default offset
modelBuild - optional; type normalizedString
Switching sheet is affected by model build
extensions - optional; type ArrayOfExtensionField
Extension fields
steps - optional; type ArrayOfSwStep
Switching steps
step - optional, unbounded; type SwStep
Switching step
cls - nillable; type long
Switching step class
id - nillable; type long
Switching step identifier
parentId - optional; type long
Parent step
groupNumber - optional; type long
Group number
device - optional; type handle
Handle of the main device associated with this switching step
deviceAlias - optional; type normalizedString
Alias of the main device associated with this switching step
controlZone - optional; type ControlZone
Switching step control zone
phases - optional; type phaseCode
Phases of the main device affected by this switching step
availablePhases - optional; type phaseCode
All phases of the main device associated with this switching step
secondaryDevice - optional; type handle
Handle of the secondary device associated with this switching step
groundNode - optional; type handle
Grounding node associated with this switching step
condition - optional; type handle
Condition associated with this switching step
state - optional; type State
Switching step real-time state
controlAction - optional; type ControlAction
Control tool action
action - nillable; type normalizedString
switchingCode - optional; type normalizedString
attribute - optional; type long
[a] cls - required; type normalizedString
[a] idx - required; type normalizedString
[a] key - required; type long
Switching step control action
revision - optional; type long
Switching step revision number
description - optional; type string
comments - optional; type string
plannedOffset - optional; type duration
Planned offset
createTime - optional; type dateTime
Date/time when this step was created
createUser - optional; type normalizedString
User who created this step
updateTime - optional; type dateTime
Date/time when step was last updated
updateUser - optional; type normalizedString
User who made the latest update this step
instructTime - optional; type dateTime
Date/time when step was instructed
instructUser - optional; type normalizedString
User who instructed this step
executeTime - optional; type dateTime
Date/time when step was executed
executeUser - optional; type normalizedString
User who executed this step
executeOrder - optional; type long
Step execution order
operationOutcome - optional; type normalizedString
Operation outcome
undoOperationOutcome - optional; type normalizedString
Undo operation outcome
resultOfOperation - optional; type normalizedString
Result of operation
resultFeeders - optional; type normalizedString
Result feeders
lastResultOfOperation - optional; type normalizedString
Last result of operation
editedOperation - optional; type normalizedString
Edited operation
modelBuild - optional; type normalizedString
Step affected by model build
safetyDocId - optional; type long
Safety document id (for safety-related steps)
safetyDevStatus - optional; type normalizedString
Status of the device as it pertains to the associated safety document. This is used to keep track of a user's modifications to a safety document's device list. ADD - The device has been added as part of a viewer device selection. ADD_STEP - The device has been added as part of a switching sheet step association. COND_APPLIED - The condition has been applied and updated to the device in the device list. INCOMPLETE - The device is associated to a switching step where the condition has already been applied to the device. REMOVE - The device has been marked for removal and will be removed the next time the document transitions from the Unissued to Issued state. REMOVED - The device has been removed from the device list. These devices are filtered out of the device list.
safetyCondAdded - optional; type long
Safety document version number where this safety condition step was added
safetyCondRemoved - optional; type long
Safety document version number where this safety condition step was added
crews - optional; type ArrayOfCrewId
Crew ids
extensions - optional; type ArrayOfExtensionField
Extension fields
auditLog - optional; type ArrayOfAuditLogEntry
Audit log entries
log - optional, unbounded; type AuditLogEntry
Audit log entry
id - nillable; type long
Audit log entry identifier
entryType - optional; type normalizedString
Audit log entry type
userLog - optional; type string
User log
device - optional; type handle
Device handle
deviceAlias - optional; type normalizedString
Device alias
state - optional; type State
revision - optional; type long
Revision number
comment - optional; type string
Log comment
phases - optional; type phaseCode
crews - optional; type ArrayOfCrewId
Crew ids
standaloneSafetyDoc - optional; type SafetyDoc
Safety document (see GetSafetyDocument)
Fault: OmsServiceException (soap:fault, use = literal)
fault type OmsServiceException
Creates new or updates an existing switching sheet.
Operation Type: Request-response. The endpoint receives a message, and sends a correlated message.
Input: createSwmanSheetFromExternalSystem (soap:body, use = literal)
dataString type string
XML representation of the switching sheet.
sheetHdl type handle
Switching sheet handle.
Output: createSwmanSheetFromExternalSystemResponse (soap:body, use = literal)
return type int
Return code.
sheetHdl type handle
Switching sheet handle.
Fault: OmsServiceException (soap:fault, use = literal)
fault type OmsServiceException
Executes state transition on a switching sheet.
Operation Type: Request-response. The endpoint receives a message, and sends a correlated message.
Input: sheetStateTransition (soap:body, use = literal)
sheetHdl type handle
Switching sheet handle.
actionType type string
State transition action type.
actionName type string
State transition action name.
username type string
Output: sheetStateTransitionResponse (soap:body, use = literal)
Fault: OmsServiceException (soap:fault, use = literal)
fault type OmsServiceException