Additional NMS Configuration
The following subsections describe configuration changes that can be applied to help supplement the adapters functionality.
BIP_GENERATE_REPORT.SwitchingInterface.<sheet cls>.*
These rules define what type of report to generate if a request is made to submit a view-only version of a switching sheet to an external system. See Product configuration file for more details. Below is a configuration example for a report that will be generated that will use the PlannedSheet template and include the Steps, Request and Safety Documents sections in the report. The file name of the report will be <Sheet Type>_<Sheet Number>.pdf.
BIP_GENERATE_REPORT.SwitchingInterface.3117.report_location = /WebSwitching/Templates.xdo
BIP_GENERATE_REPORT.SwitchingInterface.3117.report_template = PlannedSheet
BIP_GENERATE_REPORT.SwitchingInterface.3117.report_format = pdf
BIP_GENERATE_REPORT.SwitchingInterface.3117.report_params = SHEET_CLS=$swmanSheetCls.switchSheetCls$; SHEET_IDX=$switchSheetIdx$; SHOW_SAFETY=true; SHOW_REQUEST=true; SHOW_STEPS=true;
BIP_GENERATE_REPORT.SwitchingInterface.3117.base_file_name = $swmanSheetCls.switchSheetType$_$switchSheetIdx$
JBot Commands
To trigger updates from NMS to the adapter, the JBot command UpdateExternalSheetCommand should be used. This can be called after a state transition of a switching sheet or at any point in the project’s configuration where a JBot command can be called from a particular switching sheet. See the command’s documentation for more details.
The command will result in a switching sheet object being passed to the adapter with all the information from the switching sheet. The command includes a parameter called “include_sheet_report” which will trigger a report to be generated for the sheet before it is passed on to the adapter. This report will be included with the switching sheet object as a file attachment.
An optional “update_type” parameter can also be specified, which can then be used by the adapter to process the request based on the value specified in this parameter. For instance you may want to process state transition updates differently from manual updates initiated by the user.