Fault Location Analysis (FLA)
The Fault Location Analysis (FLA) application is used to predict the location of faults using fault currents reported from the relay of the tripped device. It uses short-circuit analysis to determine probable fault locations.
At a high level FLA will:
1. Use the Fault Indicator signal from SCADA to determine a fault has occurred. This can be a fault that triggers a lockout or just a momentary.
2. Gather the fault currents from the reporting relay and determine the impedance seen downstream - this includes the conductor impedances and the fault impedance.
3. Use Fault Indicators to refine the search to portions of the network downstream of devices signaling a fault.
4. Run a short-circuit analysis at the reporting relay's location to determine a baseline impedance and fault current.
5. Traverse down the network from the reporting relay summing conductor impedances until one or more locations are found that match the fault impedance determined in step 2.