SCADA Adapters
SCADA adapters are responsible for bringing real-time data from the field into the NMS system. The DMS modules benefit from (and sometimes require) this data. In particular, they will leverage:
Device status (Open, Closed)
Fault Indicators
Recloser Lockout Status
Current (Amps)
Active Power
Reactive Power
Fault Currents
In addition some modules will need to be able to control field devices. In particular:
Device Status (Open / Close, On/Off)
Recloser Lockout Suppress
Tap Positions
Set Point values - voltage or power output targets
Demand Scan
A number of product adapters are offered which support industry standard protocols, such as: MultiSpeak and ICCP.
Projects can also implement the Oracle Generic SCADA adapter (RDBMS based) or custom adapters to suit specialized needs as required.
Whilst called "SCADA Adapters" there is no particular requirement for them to be interfaces to SCADA systems. Virtually any reasonable real-time data gathering/field control system can be integrated via an appropriate adapter.