Optimization (formerly VVO)
The Optimization application continuously monitors the distribution system looking for opportunities to optimize network performance to meet pre-configured objectives.
Optimizations are evaluated for the primary distribution feeders and substation LTC transformers. The optimizations will consider the tap positions, regulation setpoints, capacitor bank statuses, or DER power dispatch controls:
Substation Load Tap Changing (LTC) Transformers
Voltage regulators
Capacitors (cap banks)
Dispatchable DERs (such as batteries)
The analysis is performed on the group of devices from the Substation LTC and all downstream distribution feeders. The intent being that often the most benefit can be derived from setting the regulation targets at the LTC.
The optimization strategies available are:
Return to Nominal: Select this to generate steps to return regulation devices to their nominal regulation settings. The nominal settings are stored in the NMS database and will be used in the steps generated by the Optimization tool. The application will attempt to restore any voltage setpoints, tap position, or cap bank statuses that would be different from the nominal value. For example, a substation LTC may have two steps to return it to nominal; the first step would be to adjust the voltage target setpoint, and the second would be to adjust the tap step.
Loss Minimization: Will attempt to reduce technical losses on the feeder through both power factor correction and voltage adjustments.
Power Factor Correction: Will attempt to adjust reactive power flow such that the feeder head Power Factor is as close to unity as possible. Will only operate reactive devices: Capacitors and Reactors.
Conservation Voltage Reduction (CVR): Will attempt to reduce voltage along the feeder whilst avoiding low voltage violations. The objective being to minimize real power consumption especially in constant impedances and constant current loads.
Overload Relief: Will attempt to reduce voltage or flow violations along the feeder by dispatch real or reactive power from DERs.
Maximize Voltage: Select this to run Optimization to maximize voltage in the selected area. This objective will attempt to increase the average voltage on each feeder within the optimization area by controlling load tap changer (LTC) tap positions, voltage regulator tap positions, and capacitor bank statuses.
Maximize VAr: Select this to run Optimization to maximize reactive power in the selected area. The objective will attempt to increase the reactive power support within the optimization area by controlling load tap changer (LTC) tap positions, voltage regulator tap positions, capacitor bank statuses, and reactive power dispatch at DER units.
The optimization application can run in both real-time and in study mode:
In real-time the application is configured to determine how frequently to run on each optimization group and whether to produce automatic on manual plans. As these plans are intended to achieve immediate benefits from optimization, they will only consider devices that can be controlled via SCADA.
In study mode the application can make optimization recommendations on any network status the operator cares to investigate. Additionally the operator can choose to include manually switched devices in the analysis.