Power Flow and Other Applications
Power Flow is tightly integrated into the following applications that typical OMS installations use:
Power Flow results for any device can be observed by clicking on the device and bringing up the Device Details Balloon. If cyclical solutions are available the results are displayed immediately. If an on-demand solution is required, a small delay will occur whilst the analysis is completed.
Once the network under observation has a power flow solution various features in the viewer enable. In particular conductor "glow" will give a visual heat map of problematic areas.
If the "Show Flow Direction" option is enabled, arrows appear on the conductors to indicate the flow direction of real power.
Additionally, the view can be changed to show Currents, Voltages and Loading. In these modes the conductor coloring indicates the load or current flow as a percentage of rating or level of deviation from nominal voltage.
Look Ahead
Power Flow results for an operator action can be viewed in the Look Ahead tool before committing to the operation. The results will show the making/breaking current for the operation, and the voltage angle differences (where relevant).
Additionally, any violations impacted by the operation can be viewed. The results will indicate if the operation is going to add or remove violations, or indeed make them better or worse.
If distributed energy resources are configured in the model, they will also display in the Lookahead if they are in the path of the operation. Indication is given if distributed energy resources are upstream or downstream of the device being operated.
Web Switching
Power Flow analysis is integrated into web switching. When a planned switch sheet has been created, the operator can (at the click of a button) run a Power Flow analysis on that sheet.
The analysis will show any violations that are created or removed by the steps and the projected load flows on the impacted feeders.