Overriding Configuration and NLS
Configuration is modified in Flex Operations by customizing files on the server. The standard product configuration, Oracle's National Language Support (NLS), and some example files can be found bundled with the release under:
The flex folder contains the following files and folders:
config (folder): All of the product configuration files can be found in this folder. These can be used as a reference to see how the product is configured by default and to help figure out what changes to make in order to achieve any desired customization
nls (folder): All of the files containing strings used in the client can be found in this folder.
definitions/elements (folder): JSON files defining the types of UI configuration element and the structure of their contents (more on this later).
definitions/types (folder): JSON files defining structures and choice lists referenced in the element definitions.
examples (folder): Examples of how to accomplish various configuration tasks
examples/README.txt: A summary of what configuration tasks can be found in each of the example folders - many of them illustrate how to perform several different tasks.
examples/[sub folders]: Each sub folder represents the complete configuration file structure required for that example to be configured and work in Flex if they were copied to the root of the Flex configuration directory ($HOME/flex).
examples/exampleCustomConfig.jsonc: An example configuration file showing how to override various elements in the configuration.
examples/exampleCustomFunctions.js: An example JavaScript file showing how to use custom functions in the Flex Operations client. Contains some functions that are referenced in exampleCustomConfig.jsonc.
The folder structure beneath config and nls indicate the path required to override them, and the files themselves can be inspected to see what can be changed.
Configuration and NLS is overridden by modifying files in a specific folder on the server, which is determined by the server configuration.
This will be explained in more detail in the sections that follow.