Converting Product Configuration to JSON Overrides
It is important to understand that the product configuration files provided for reference (under dist/baseconfig/product/flex/config) are javascript classes and that these have members variables and methods that can be overridden using a special JSON‑based syntax, which will be described in the following sections.
The content of the product reference files cannot be directly copied and pasted into JSON as there are some syntactical differences as shown by this comparison:
Reference Configuration Files (Javascript)
Configuration Override Files (JSON)
ERT: {
field: 'data.event.ert.value',
type: 'date',
readonly: '#READONLY',
Field names are not surrounded by double quotes.
Field values are surrounded by single quotes.
Unnecessary "trailing" commas are allowed.
ERT: {
     "field": "data.event.ert.value",
        "type": "date",
        "readonly": "#READONLY"
Field names are surrounded by double quotes.
Field values are surrounded by double quotes.
Unnecessary "trailing" commas are not allowed.
If you want to copy and paste chunks of the product reference configuration, you will have to manually make these changes to convert to valid JSON equivalents. There are online tools that will do this conversion for you (search for "js to json formatter").