Configuring IED Connections
An IED object in Flex SCADA is used to represent a device in the field. The device may have multiple redundant network connections that can be used to communicate with it. Alternatively, multiple IEDs may share the same network connection.
Flex SCADA models each network connection as a connection in the IED details and will attempt to connect to each connection in turn starting with the lowest order connection until a connection is established. If Flex SCADA reaches the end of the connection list without obtaining a connection, it will return to the first connection and start again. If a connection is not established within the configured period (see SRS rule scadaRtuDisconectPeriod), then the IED is marked as failed, but Flex SCADA will continue to attempt to obtain a valid connection.
To view the IED and connection list in NMS open the SCADA Status tool and select the IED in the tree view. Right click the IED, and select View Details....
The Connection list in the IED Details contains an entry for each IED connection with the following properties:
Control: Whether this IED connection is enabled or not. If the connection is disabled Flex SCADA will not attempt to connect to the IED through this connection.
Order: The order of the instance. Used to define a preferred connection order.
IP Address: The IP Address of this IED connection.
Port: The IP port number of this IED connection.
If multiple IEDs share the same network connection, then each IED must contain a connection in the connection list with the same common IP address and port number. In addition, the Multidrop ID property in the IED details must be set to the same non-zero value in each IED (this is used solely to group the IEDs together and has no other meaning).