Monitoring Details
Monitoring Data Sources
Monitoring Data Source
How Monitored
Who Monitors
WebLogic cesejb deployment
NMS Monitor
Determine deployment status and if it is reachable.
Multiple cesejb URLs can be configured.
WebLogic nms-ws deployment
NMS Monitor
Determine deployment status and if it is reachable.
Multiple nms-ws URLs can be configured.
Database queries to NMS_VERSION, NMS_CURRENT_SITE, and V$DATABASE tables.
NMS Monitor
Query which NMS environments are active or staging, the current NMS site, the NMS version from the last nms-setup run, and the database role (PRIMARY vs STANDBY).
NMS Services
Local process executes oem-util command and reads the files $HOME/.nmsrc, $NMS_HOME/.nms-site-rc, and $NMS_ROOT/nms/inventory/nms-version.xml. NMS Monitor makes REST API call to get this information.
The NMS Agent (a process running locally on the environment where NMS Services run) does the following:
Reads $HOME/.nmsrc and $NMS_HOME/.nms-site-rc to get NMS environment variables
Reads $NMS_ROOT/nms/inventory/nms-version.xml to get the installed NMS version
Executes the oem-util command to get the services status from SMService.
NMS Agent
Determine services status, installed NMS version, and NMS_SITE_NAME environment variable.
Each NMS environment in dual-environment configuration will have its own NMS Agent.
WebLogic Admin Server
Several REST API calls to the WebLogic RESTful management interface.
NMS Monitor
Determine mapping between URLs, deployments, and WebLogic servers and get WebLogic's status of each.
Determine deployment versions.
If unable to contact Admin Server, the most recently retrieved results are used.
Component Details
Component Status
Critical Component
Web Gateway
WebLogic deployment used for Web Workspace, Web Call Entry, and so forth.
Unknown if not configured.
Error if unable to map application(s) to a WebLogic server.
Down if REST API call fails to get a response, WebLogic managed server state is not RUNNING, or WebLogic server overall health state is failed.
Warn if REST API call succeeds, but shows status of down or WebLogic server overall health state is warn, overloaded, or critical.
Up if REST API call succeeds showing status of up and WebLogic server overall health state is up.
If multiple Web Gateway URLs are configured and have different individual statuses, total status will be Warn if at least one application is Up and one or more are Warn.
Mobile Gateway
WebLogic deployment used for Operations Mobile Application (OMA) and Flex Operations.
Same as Web Gateway, but for the nms-ws deployment.
NMS backend services.
Unknown if NMS agent not configured.
Error if unable to reach NMS agent or NMS agent unable to execute oem-util.
Down if unable to communicate with SMService or SMService system state is CRITICAL.
Warn if SMService system state is WARNING or INITIALIZING.
Up if SMService system state is NORMAL.
RDBMS used by all of the components listed above.
Unknown if database not configured.
Down if unable to query database.
Warn if able to query database, but some SQL statements failed.
Up if able to query database.
Site Statuses
Up: Site is up. All critical components are Up. Non-critical components are Up or Unknown
Warn: Site is up with status warnings. Critical components are either Up or Warn. Or Critical components are all Up and Non-critical components are Warn, Down, or Error.
Down: Site is down. At least one critical component is Down
Error: One or more critical components with status Error
Unknown: One or more critical components with status Unknown or unable to determine of site is primary or standby.
Ready: Site is standby and ready for failover
Not Ready: Site is standby and not ready for failover
Automatic Failover
Automatic failover can be initiated in two situations.
Failure: This only applies if Automatic Failover is set to Failure or Failure or Communication Disruption. If the status of the primary site is Down for at least as long as the Time Down Before Failover setting, automatic failover will be initiated.
Communication Disruption: This only applies if Automatic Failover is set to Failure or Communication Disruption. If the monitoring data for a site has not been updated in four consecutive polling intervals, it will be marked as having communication disruption. This can happen if NMS Monitor is not running at that site or NMS Monitor is unable to save the status in zookeeper. If the primary site is in this state for at least as long as the Time Down Before Failover setting, automatic failover will be initiated.
When automatic failover is initiated, a standby site with a status of Ready that does not have communication disruption is chosen. If more than one site matches this criteria, then the site is chosen based on the configured Failover Priority order. The NMS Monitor instance at the chosen standby site will start a Failover operation.