The cmd Tool
Verify the connection to isis using the cmd tool. If cmd is working, isis is functioning as well. The syntax for cmd is:
$cmd [options]
Enter cmd from the Unix command line to bring up the command line interface, identified by the cmd> prompt. The following table presents a subset of cmd commands.
Shows all nodes connected by isis on the current ports:
*** viewid = 34/5
test1.[siteDomain].com [site_no 34 site_incarn 1]
test2.[siteDomain].com [site_no 33 site_incarn 1]
test3.[siteDomain].com [site_no 6 site_incarn 1]
Provides the current status of the isis protos process. Part of the information returned is the current isis version corresponding to the executed cmd binary.
Provides a list of all the isis process groups and applications connected to the protos. This can be used to identify remaining processes that are still connected to the isis message bus.
Sends a message to all applications currently connected to isis to generate an isis dump. All the isis related information for this process is written to disk in a log file with the process ID as the prefix ([pid].log). This log file can be found in the run.*Service directories for services or the directory from which applications have been launched.
Isis dumps are extremely useful when debugging problems, as they can tell the developer exactly what messages are being processed at the time the dump was generated.
Tells protos to update the site view.
Causes the protocols process to shutdown. Wait 1 minute before restarting isis after a shutdown or an unsuccessful start attempt, and verify that all processes are completely down by checking the process list on each node (ps -aef).
Print all cmd command options.
Help [command]
Print information about a specific command.
Exiting cmd
Enter quit to exit cmd.