Call Quality Configuration
Column Name
Column Type
Unique integer to distinguish rows in this table (PRIMARY KEY)
rule set name (key)
trouble code group category (group_name in srs_trouble_codes)
trouble code name (code_name in srs_trouble_codes)
customer priority from ces_customers
A value of "AND" allows two or more rows to be joined by the same op_group. A value of "ANY" does wildcard matching for trouble codes. A value of "AND,ANY" does both of these.
grouping number allowing two or more rows to be joined
The rule set when this rule applies. Leave this empty if the configuration should apply to all rule sets. If the behavior should differ between rule sets, add multiple rows, one for each rule set. Currently only supported for trouble_queue rows.
Set Types
Trouble Code Sets
These sets will match customer calls based on their trouble code (CUST_TROUBLE_CODE JMSinput field). If the CUST_TROUBLE_CODE matches the trouble code values (tc_group_name and tc_code_name) of a particular set or the trouble code combination (see below) of a particular set, the call is considered a member of that set. tc_group_name and tc_code_name must match the group_name and code_name of a row in the srs_trouble_codes table. If the operation column is set to "ANY", all other trouble code groups can be set to any value. Otherwise, all other trouble code groups must be set to their default values. If the operation column is set to "AND", a call quality row will be grouped with all other rows with operation set to "AND" and having the same set_name and group_order to create a trouble code combination. All specified trouble codes must match and all other trouble codes must be set to their default values for a trouble code combination to match a call's trouble code.
auto_upgrade - Calls matching this set will automatically cause a probable service outage to upgrade to a probable device outage.
cancel_call - Calls matching this set will cancel an existing call. This set takes priority over all other call sets.
dgroup_category - Calls matching this set will create events with their dispatch group category initially set to the value in the cust_priority field. See Dispatch Groups Configuration for more information.
exclude - Calls matching this set will be excluded from the call counts for their jobs.
make_damage - Calls matching this set will automatically create Hazard-type Damage Assessments on the device using the "damageTroubleCodeHazard" SRS Rule value for the trouble code. Values in this set usually match the pri_wire set, which is described below.
momentary - Calls matching this set will create probable momentary outages.
no_analysis - Calls matching this set will not create events/outages or be analyzed by the prediction engine. They will be saved to the database as completed. This set takes priority over all other sets except cancel_call.
non_electric - Calls matching this set will create non-electric events rather than outages.
non_outage - Calls matching this set will create non-outage events rather than outages.
pri_extreme - Calls matching this set will count towards the pri_e count of an event.
pri_pole - Calls matching this set will count towards the pri_p count of an event.
pri_service_wire - Calls matching this set will count towards the pri_sw count of an event.
pri_wire - Calls matching this set will count towards the pri_w count of an event.
priority_asn_alarm - This set is used in conjunction with the priorityAssignmentTimer and priorityAssignmentEnterState SRS rules. A call must match this set in addition to having these rules turned on for a Priority Assignment alarm to be issued.
so_grouping - This set is used in conjunction with the allowSOGrouping SRS rule. Calls must match this set in addition to having the rule turned on to group. If the cust_priority field is empty, then calls can only group if they have identical trouble codes. Otherwise, they can only group if both calls match the so_grouping set and either 1) they have the same cust_priority 2) one of them has a cust_priority of '*'.
still_out - If this set is configured, then when a Not Restored callback is processed, the trouble code of the original call will be masked/modified with the value in this set. If the operation is set for wildcard matching, then any unspecified trouble code groups will be retain their data from the original call's trouble code.
trouble_queue - Calls matching this set will create events with their work queue initially set to the value in the cust_priority field. Multiple records of this type can be configured for different rule_set values.
Priority Sets
These sets will match customer calls based on their priority value (CUST_PRIORITY JMSinput field). If the cust_priority column of one of these sets matches the CUST_PRIORITY for the call, the call is considered a member of that set. The tc_group_name, tc_code_name, operation, and op_group columns are not used for these sets.
crit_1 - Calls matching this set will count towards the crit_1 and crit_tot counts of an event.
crit_2 - Calls matching this set and not the crit_1 set will count towards the crit_2 and crit_tot counts of an event.
crit_3 - Calls matching this set and not the crit_1 or crit_2 sets will count towards the crit_3 and crit_tot counts of an event.
crit_tot - ­Calls matching this set will count towards the crit_tot count of an event.
/* Calls with a priority value of '2' will be counted as crit_1 and crit_tot */
INSERT INTO call_quality(numb, set_name, tc_group_name, tc_code_name,
cust_priority, operation, op_group)
VALUES(1, 'crit_1', '', '', '2', '', 0);
/* Calls with a priority value of '1' will be counted as crit_2 and crit_tot */
INSERT INTO call_quality(numb, set_name, tc_group_name, tc_code_name,
cust_priority, operation, op_group)
VALUES(2, 'crit_2', '', '', '1', '', 0);
/* Calls with trouble code group 'Power' set to 'Power On' will be considered
non-outage calls regardless of other trouble code selections */
INSERT INTO call_quality(numb, set_name, tc_group_name, tc_code_name,
cust_priority, operation, op_group)
VALUES(3, 'non_outage', 'Power', 'Power On', '', 'ANY', 0);
/* Calls with trouble code group 'Other' set to 'Cancel' and all other trouble
code options set to their defaults will be considered cancel calls */
INSERT INTO call_quality(numb, set_name, tc_group_name, tc_code_name,
cust_priority, operation, op_group)
VALUES(4, 'non_outage', 'Other', 'Cancel', '', '', 0);
/* Calls with trouble code group 'Power' set to 'Power Off', group 'Cause' set
to 'Wire Down Pole to Pole' and all other trouble code options set to their
defaults will have their dispatch group category initially set to
'X' */
INSERT INTO call_quality(numb, set_name, tc_group_name, tc_code_name,
cust_priority, operation, op_group)
VALUES(5, 'dgroup_category', 'Power', 'Power Off', 'X', 'AND', 1);
INSERT INTO call_quality(numb, set_name, tc_group_name, tc_code_name,
cust_priority, operation, op_group)
VALUES(6, 'dgroup_category', 'Cause', 'Wire Down Pole to Pole', 'X', 'AND', 1);