Service Alert Email Administration
How Service Alert Email and Paging Notification Work
When initiating a notification, Service Alert sends email and paging requests to the genpublisher service. It is the email toolkit code within the genpublisher that interfaces with a mail system. The email toolkit uses SMTP to send these message requests. * Therefore, to properly receive Service Alert notifications, an SMTP server needs to be configured and running on the network. All that is left to do is to describe to the email toolkit the configuration settings that it needs in order to communicate with the SMTP server.
Note: Pager notifications are also sent by SMTP, since most major paging providers allow messages to be sent to a pager via an email aliasing system.
Entering Email/Pager Configuration Settings
The following Unix environment variables need to be set up properly in order to configure the email/pager notifications.
This is the fully qualified network hostname of the mail server.
Domain Suffix – This value should be a valid domain such as "". This value is used in constructing the domain portion of the "From" field for all outbound messages. This field is also used during SMTP communication between the CORBA gateway and the mail server. It is important to set this to a valid domain, as some SMTP servers will verify that the domain exists and is real. If the server does not believe that the domain is legitimate, the email message may be discarded
The Email Username setting is a command line parameter on the genpublisher service. The username is the string that appears after the "-username" command line option. This will appear in all email and pager notifications From field. It is probably a good idea to set up an email alias for this username, in case notification recipients attempt to reply to a notification. Note that the "" portion of the username should be omitted as this comes from the "NMS_DOMAIN_SUFFIX" environment variable.
Verify in the genpublisher log that the change is in place by locating a line similar to:
01/23 12:59:59: CorbaGateway ctor: changed USERNAME from "nmsadmin" to [some name]
Email Subject Line Configuration
The email and text/SMS notification messages contain a subject line. The subject line content is configurable via the MYC_MSG_SUBJECTS database table.
Definition of the MYC_MSG_SUBJECTS Table
Primary key. Assigned from the MYC_MSG_SUBJECTS_SEQ database sequence.
Notification message type. See database table MYC_MESSAGE_TYPES for the list of valid notification message types.
Notification trigger code. Valid values:
1 - Outage started/in-progress
2 - Outage restored
3 - Planned outage is scheduled
4 - Outage is canceled
5- ERT has been updated for an outage
6 - Storm started
7 - Storm ended
8 - Storm has been updated
9 - Crew action has occurred for an outage
Note: The list of applicable trigger codes differs depending on the notification message type.
Planned/unplanned outage notification. Valid values:
Y - planned
N - unplanned
Subject line for email notification messages.
Subject line for text/SMS notification messages.
When populating EMAIL_SUBJECT and PAGER_SUBJECT columns substitution variables can be used to include certain values from the notification message into the subject line. The following table lists available substitution variables.
Name of the level 1 control zone
Name of the level 2 control zone
Name of the level 3 control zone
Name of the level 4 control zone
Name of the level 5 control zone
Name of the level 6 control zone
Outage event index
Outage external id
Outage device alias
Outage device class name
Number of customers affected by the outage (system-calculated value)
Number of customers affected by the outage (user-provided value)
Number of critical customers affected by the outage
Weighted count of customers affected by the outage
Switching sheet number
Event index of the related event
Relation type code. Possible values:
N - nested
M - momentary
P - partial restoration
L - lead event of partial restoration
M - manual
S - switching
In addition, generic event fields can be used as substitution variables. In this case, the generic event field name serves as the substitution variable name. To use a substitution variable when configuring the email or text/SMS subject line, its name needs to be prefixed with dollar sign (for example, $CTRLZONE1).