Associating and Unassociating Calls with Devices or Control Zones
Sometimes a call comes in reporting a problem that is not clearly related to a particular customer or device. Until a device is identified for the problem, the event is considered a fuzzy call. When more information becomes available, you can associate the fuzzy call with a device or control zone. You can also unassociate these calls using the Event Details Trouble Info tab.
Associating Fuzzy Calls
To associate a call with a device or control zone, complete the following steps:
1. In the Work Agenda, select the fuzzy event row.
2. Select Associate Event... from the Work Agenda Actions menu. The Associate Event dialog box will open.
3. Select the device or control zone that you wish to associate the event to:
If you know the device that you want to associate the call to, open the Viewer and load the map containing the device.
Select the device in the Viewer. The device identification appears in the Device field.
If you are associating the fuzzy call to a control zone, select the control zone from the Control Zone selection menu (). The control zone name will populate the Zone field.
4. Click OK to complete the selection in the Associate Event dialog box. The Oracle Utilities Network Management System analysis engine re-analyzes the fuzzy call using the selected associated device or control zone and may group it with other events.
Unassociating/Reassociating a Call from/to a Device
To unassociate a call from one device and reassociate it to another device, complete these steps:
Note: If you are unassociating a call and you want to turn it into a fuzzy call, simply do not select a device to re-associate it with (omit the third and sixth steps below).
1. In the Work Agenda window, select the row for the active event that contains the calls you want to unassociate.
Note: You cannot unassociate a call from a restored or inactive event.
2. Click the Trouble Info button () or select Trouble Info... from the Actions menu. Call information about the event appears in the Trouble Info window.
3. Open a Viewer window and load the map containing the new device you would like to re-associate the calls with.
4. In the Trouble Info tab, select the row for the call you wish to unassociate from its present device.
5. Select Unassociate from the Trouble Info Actions menu. The Unassociate dialog box opens.
6. Select a device in the Viewer to populate the New Device field in the Unassociate dialog box.
7. Click OK.
The call is unassociated from the current device and associated with the new device, if specified.
The Oracle Utilities Network Management System Web Trouble analysis engine re-analyzes the event from which the calls were unassociated, as well as the unassociated calls using their new associated device.