Vendor-Specific SCADA Integrations
OSI SCADA Integration
Cross UI Navigation
This functionality allows a more seamless user experience when using these two client-side applications. Specific windows can be navigated to from either application (OSI OpenView or NMS) with context regarding a specific point ID or substation.
This functionality allows specific windows (Trending or ViewPoint) in OSI OpenView to be opened from the Navigate to SCADA menu option available from the SCADA Summary's Actions menu or a selected row's right-click context menu.
Point Trend
Selecting Point Trend... from the Navigate To SCADA menu causes a new Trending window to open in the OSI OpenView application with the selected point from the NMS SCADA Summary row automatically added.
Point Alarms
When you select Point Alarms... from the Navigate To SCADA menu, the OSI ViewPoint alarm list is filtered for the specific common point ID selected in the NMS SCADA Summary.
Substation Alarms
When you select Substation Alarms... from the Navigate To SCADA menu, the OSI ViewPoint alarm list is filtered for all alarms associated with the substation for the specific common point ID selected in the NMS SCADA Summary.
Point Summary
When you select Point Summary... from the Navigate To SCADA menu, the OSI Analog Summary or Status Summary window opens with the row associated with the specific common point ID selected in the NMS SCADA Summary highlighted.
Point Details
When you select Substation Alarms... from the Navigate To SCADA menu, the OSI Analog Details or Status Details window displays with the row associated with the specific common point ID selected in the NMS SCADA Summary highlighted.
Similarly, you can navigate to certain views for a point in Oracle's NMS when you right-click a relevant common point ID in an OSI OpenView tabular view.
NMS - View in Viewer
When you select NMS - View in Viewer, the NMS Viewer 1 opens with focus on the device associated with the specific common point ID selected or referenced in the OSI ViewPoint window.
NMS - View in SCADA Summary
When you select NMS - View in SCADA Summary, the NMS SCADA Summary is opened and populated based on the device associated with the specific common point ID selected or referenced in the OSI ViewPoint window. The specific SCADA Summary row corresponding to the selected point in OSI ViewPoint will be highlighted.