Crew Assignments
Normally when working a switching sheet, the crews are automatically associated to the sheet when the event the crew is assigned to is associated to the sheet. These crews show up in the Crews list just above the steps on the Steps tab. When crews need to be added to the list that will not be assigned or cannot be assigned to events, then the Select Crew dialog box must be used. The Select Crew dialog box is initiated from the Crews list Select Crews... toolbar button (). The dialog box has two tabs for selecting the type of crew you wish to associate to the switching sheet.
System Crews
System crews are the same crews that are available to you from the Crew Actions list. Only available crews will show up in this list. The System Crews list shows the crew's ID, Type, Contact, Shift Status and Job Status. Table column filter fields are available to filter the list down to a specific crew entry. Once an entry is found, the OK or Apply buttons can be used to assign crews to the switching sheet. Selecting the OK button will assign the crews and close the Select Crew dialog box. The Cancel button will cancel any existing selections and close the Select Crew dialog box.
The Contractors tab gives you the capability to create contractor crews on the fly. Contractors are crews that are not system crews and do not exist in the NMS proper crew list. The crews available from the Contractor Crew List are only available for selection from Web Switching sheets and Web Safety documents. These crews will not be generally available throughout the NMS environment.