Using the Conductor Impedance Mismatch Tool
The Conductor Impedance Mismatch Tool performs an analysis to find sections of the network where conductor impedances look incorrect. For example, if a circuit backbone was primarily large conductors with a very small conductor in the middle, this would most likely be representative of a data error in the attribution of conductor sizing.
The tool works in the background and it is recommended to run this tool during the NMS off‑peak working hours to minimize the impact on system performance. Also, the analysis runtime should be chosen such that it stops before NMS peak hours.
Conductor Impedance Mismatch Tool Window
Conductor impedance mismatch tool window displays the report of data anomalies within the Power Flow data model and provides the interface to start and stop the conductor impedance mismatch analysis.
Menu and Toolbar Options
File Menu
Menu Option
Toolbar Icon
Opens the Print dialog box, which allows to print the report.
Closes the Conductor Impedance Mismatch Tool window.
Actions Menu
Menu Option
Toolbar Icon
Run Analysis...
Opens the Feeder Data Analysis dialog box, which allows you to input the analysis runtime in minutes.
Stop Analysis...
Stops the feeder data analysis if it has not already finished and displays the report in the table.
Displays the selected conductor in the viewer.
Copies selected rows.
Purge Analysis Results...
Opens a confirmation dialog box that allows you to purge old analysis results.
Help Menu
Menu Option
Toolbar Icon
Conductor Impedance Mismatch Analysis Tool Help
Opens the online help system to the Conductor Impedance Mismatch Tool help content.
Understanding the Conductor Impedance Mismatch Tool Filter Pane
The Conductor Impedance Mismatch Tool provides the following Global filters:
Global Filter
Shows all conductors with impedance mismatches.
Confirmed Correct
Shows all conductors whose impedance mismatches are confirmed correct.
Confirmed Error
Shows all conductors whose impedance mismatches are confirmed error.
Confirmed Error and New
Shows all conductors whose impedance mismatches are confirmed error and all new mismatches.
Shows all new conductor impedance mismatches.
Conductor Impedance Mismatch Tool Report
The conductor impedance mismatch tool report has following columns:
1. Feeder: Name of the feeder where the mismatched conductor is found.
2. Phase: Phase of the feeder where the mismatched conductor is found.
3. Conductor: Name of the mismatched conductor.
4. Conductor Catalog: Name of the catalog of the mismatched conductor.
5. Connected Conductor: Name of the conductor against which mismatched conductor is compared.
6. Connected Conductor Catalog: Name of the catalog of the conductor against which mismatched conductor is compared.
7. Percent Difference: Percentage impedance difference between the mismatched conductor and the connected conductor.
8. Error Type: Name of the possible error type.
Note: If needed, you can select multiple rows within the report and copy and paste to an external application.
The status bar indicates the number of rows in the report and includes an indicator that spins when calculations are in progress.