Using the Suggested Switching Solutions Tool
You can use the Suggested Switching Solutions tool to access previously generated suggested switching solutions or to view generated feeder contingency analysis (FCA) plans. The tool has two tabs:
The Suggested Switching Solutions tab shows plans that were previously generated with Study Mode Suggested Switching.
The Feeder Contingency Analysis tab displays contingency plans that represent the most viable option to transfer all load from a feeder to adjacent feeder(s).
The Suggested Switching Solutions tool can be used to either create a new switching sheet with the same steps or append the steps to an existing switching sheet. For more information on how to generate suggested switching solutions, see Using the Suggested Switching Tool.
Suggested Switching Tool Menus and Toolbar Options
File Menu
Menu Option
Toolbar Icon
Print Preview...
Opens the Print Preview dialog box.
Closes the Suggested Switching Solutions tool window.
Help Menu
Menu Option
Toolbar Icon
Suggested Switching Solutions Help
Opens the online help system to the Suggested Switching Solutions tool help content.
Suggested Switching Solutions Tab
The Suggested Switching Solutions tab displays a list of plans that were previously generated by Suggested Switching in study mode (see Using the Suggested Switching Tool for information). This allows you to go back to results that may have been generated days earlier such that comparisons can be conducted or an optimal plan recalled. The results are presented in an expandable tree view with unique identifiers for each solution.
Toolbar Options
Reloads the entire table displaying any newly created Suggested Switching Solutions.
Displays the suggested switching plan details for the selected row. This will show pertinent information such as steps, power flow results, affected feeders, and overload information.
Displays the main feeder being affected by the Suggested Switching Steps.
Suggested Switching Solutions Table
The suggested switching solutions table contains the following columns:
SS Scenario: The objective of the suggested switching plan (for example, Isolate and Restore, Isolate, Feeder Unloading).
# Steps: The number of steps contained within the plan.
Affected Feeders: A total list of feeders affected by this plan.
Affected Switches: A total list of switches being used by the plan to energize and de-energize sections of the feeder based on the particular objective.
Customer Impacted: A breakdown by count of customers that will be impacted by execution of the plan. This will include sub breakdowns of things such as critical customers.
Affected DERS: A total list of distributed energy resources (DERs) impacted by the plan.
Violations Before: The number of total violations within the area impacted by the suggested switching plan before plan execution.
Violations After: The number of total violations within the area impacted by the suggested switching plan after plan execution.
Feeder Contingency Analysis Tab
The Feeder Contingency Analysis tab displays a list of plans generated by the FCA process. FCA is a suggested switching contingency analysis batch process that determines how all loading on an entire feeder could be transferred to adjacent feeders using available tie switches. The analysis is run for all feeders within the Oracle Utilities Network Management System data model. The analysis is run against the as‑built topology and is intended to provide insight on whether loading on an entire feeder could be transferred to adjacent feeders without causing overloads.
The Distributed Generator for FCA and Load Profile Temperature for FCA SRS rules can be used to configure the default distributed generation map that should be used with FCA analysis. If either of these rules are not configured, then FCA is set to run with the default generator and temperature profiles, which is configured using Distributed Generator Default and Load Profile Temperature Default SRS rules.
Note: The analysis is intended to be run by an administrative user quarterly since it is conducted against the as‑built model.
Toolbar Options
Displays the dialog box that allows you to sort the results table as desired.
Displays the dialog box that allows you to filter the table as desired.
Reloads the entire table displaying any newly created Feeder Contingency Analysis plans.
Displays the Feeder Contingency Analysis plan details for the selected row. This will show pertinent information such as steps, power flow results, affected feeders, and overload information
Displays the main feeder being affected by the Suggested Switching Steps.
Resolves the rows that are currently selected in the table. This would be used for situations where the as‑built topology changed for a feeder that is being analyzed, but the quarterly resolve has not been conducted by the system administrator.
Opens the Feeder Contingency Analysis dialog box, which allows the user
input the analysis runtime in minutes.
Stops the feeder contingency analysis if it has not already finished.
Copies selected rows.
Opens a confirmation dialog box that allows you to purge old analysis results.
Feeder Contingency Analysis Table
The feeder contingency analysis table contains the following columns:
Substation: The feeder's substation.
Feeder: The feeder that was analyzed for contingency analysis. This feeder represents the feeder that will have all loading transferred to adjacent feeders.
# Steps: The number of steps contained within the plan.
kVA Overload: The amount of KVA that adjacent feeders will be overloaded as a result of picking up all loading from this particular feeder.
Date: The date the analysis was last conducted.
Pickup Feeders: The feeders that will be utilized to pickup all load served by the feeder listed in the Feeder column.
Creating Switching Sheets with the Suggested Switching Solutions Tool
If you want to create a switching sheet with steps from a previously generated Suggest Switching Solutions or Feeder Contingency Analysis plan, do the following:
1. Select Suggested Switching Solutions... from the Web Workspace Tools menu.
2. Then, depending on the desired plan type to be generated, select either the Suggested Switching Solutions tab or Feeder Contingency Analysis tab.
3. Select a solution to see overview information for each plan generated for the solution.
Note: In the Suggested Switching Solutions tab, expand the tree view to see an overview of the solution details.
4. Right-click a plan name and select View Plan Details. The Suggested Switching Plan Details dialog box will open.
5. Click Create Plan to create a new switching plan.
Appending Steps to a Switching Sheet with Suggested Switching Solution
The Suggested Switching Solutions tool allows you to append steps from a previously generated Suggested Switching Solutions or Feeder Contingency Analysis plan to an existing switching sheet. With an existing switching sheet in record mode, do the following:
1. Select Suggested Switching Solution... from the Web Workspace Tools menu.
2. Then, depending on the desired plan type to be generated, select either the Suggested Switching Solutions tab or Feeder Contingency Analysis tab.
3. Select a solution to see overview information for each plan generated for the solution.
Note: In the Suggested Switching Solutions tab, expand the tree view to see an overview of the solution details.
4. Right-click a plan name and select View Plan Details. The Suggested Switching Plan Details dialog box will open.
5. Click Append Steps to append the steps to the switching sheet.