Model Management is a tool for managing changes to your system model. The process of extracting updates from the GIS and updating the model is unique for each company. Typically, model updates are handled by a set of scripts that run automatically on a regular schedule. If there are problems in the update process, the model administrator can use the Model Management tool to identify and resolve the problems and then re-apply the model updates.
The following describes the model update process and introduces several terms that are used in this chapter:
GIS Data Extraction is the customer-specific process by which data is extracted from the GIS to Oracle's vendor-neutral model preprocessor (*.mp) file format.
*.mp files must be preprocessed before they can be built into the model. Preprocessing converts the *.mp files into the *.mb file format required by the Model Builder.
A set of transactions (*.mb files), collectively referred to as a patch, are submitted to the Model Builder for processing. Patches are applied to or built into the core operations model.
The Model Builder (MBService) processes the *.mb files, saves the information to the Oracle Utilities Network Management System Operations Model RDBMS, and writes out a set of maps, which are used by the Viewer to display portions of the system model.
If any problems arise during preprocessing or model building, you can use the Model Management tool to perform the following tasks:
Identify maps that need to be built (referred to as pending maps)
View a list of recent patches and their statuses
Display all patches that were applied to a particular map
Rebuild individual maps or run a full model build
Run the post process script
View the Preprocessor Log, the Patch Build Log, and the Patch Build Report
Enable or disable model build reporting
Delete an import file to be rebuilt.