Conducting Training Sessions
When conducting a training session, the trainer will log in as a Trainer user type and the trainees will log in as standard operations user types. Although it is possible to record a training scenario during a training session, the trainer will typically create a new training scenario sheet from a previously developed training scenario sheet. This allows the trainer to focus on the trainee's actions.
Running a Training Scenario
Starting a Training Scenario
The trainer begins a training session by creating a new training scenario sheet from an existing training scenario sheet.
1. Select Open and then Switching Sheet... from the Web Workspace File menu.
2. Select a Training Scenario from the Open Switching Sheet dialog box.
3. Select Copy As... from the Training Scenario's File menu.
4. Select Training Scenario in the Switching Sheet Types table and click Create a Copy. The trainer can then complete information in the Request tab about the training session prior to playing the training scenario.
Playing a Training Scenario
Scenarios may be played from start to finish or to a selected step.
When you wish to play the scenario to a certain point, do the following:
1. Select the row where you wish to complete and then pause.
2. Click the Play Scenario to Here () button. The NTS will present a dialog box asking if you wish to override the default offset to add time to each step.
When you wish to play the entire scenario, do the following:
1. Click the Play Scenario () button. The NTS will present a dialog box asking if you wish to override the default offset to add time to each step.
In either play scenario, the steps will proceed and the synchronized training environment will change according to the steps.
Pausing a Training Scenario
At any point when running a scenario, you may pause the steps by selecting Pause Scenario from the Training menu or clicking the pause () button. This allows flexibility to take breaks or discuss the training steps.
Replaying a Storm Scenario
To replay a recorded storm, you must first create a new training sheet (see Creating a Training Scenario Sheet). With the new training sheet open, choose Play Historical Dataset... from the Training menu and then select a prerecorded storm scenario in the Play Dataset dialog box.
Note: See Recording a Storm for information on creating storm scenarios.
By default, data from the recorded storm is received at the same rate that the data was received during the event, to increase or decrease the playback rate, change the Play Dataset dialog box Playback Interval Multiplier value.
To increase the rate, select a multiplier value greater than one.
To decrease the rate, select a value less than one.
Note: The dialog box will list all *.scen files found in the $NMS_DATA_FILES directory; if no scenarios are found, the system will return a "No Scenarios Available" error.
To pause, resume, or stop the storm scenario, select Pause Historical Dataset, Resume Historical Dataset, or Cancel Historical Dataset, respectively, in the Training menu.
The Resume Historical Dataset function is only available during the current session so, if you log out, you would need to replay the historical dataset from the beginning.
While replaying storms requires the training sheet be open, this process does not create steps or in anyway amend the Training Scenario sheet.
Evaluating Trainee Performance
The trainer can evaluate trainee performance using the NTS enhanced User Log. The User Log allows the trainer to view trainee logs as well as open the trainee's switching sheets.
1. Select User Log... from the Web Workspace Tools menu.
2. Enter the trainee name in the User ID field.
3. Select Load User Log from the Actions menu. All of the actions taken by the trainee will be displayed in the User Log table.
4. To view the trainee's switching sheets, select User's Switching Sheets... from the Actions menu. The Open Switching Sheet dialog box will open listing any switching sheets. Enter the user name in the table header to filter the list. Select a sheet in the table and click Open. The sheet will open in the Web Workspace.