Module Configuration
The system provides the ability to simplify the user interface based on functionality areas practiced by your organization.
Menu items and other user interface elements are associated with function modules. By default, all function modules are accessible. If a function module is not applicable to your business you may turn it off. Refer to Turn Off A Function Module for more information on how to turn off a module.
If a function module is made non-accessible, i.e. turned off, its related elements are suppressed from the user interface. In addition the system may validate that related functionality is not accessed. This also means that turning off the wrong module may cause any of the following to occur:
Menu items may not appear. Refer to Menu Item Suppression to better understand how menu item suppression works.
Entire menus may not appear. Refer to Menu Suppression to better understand how menu suppression works.
Tabs on pages may not appear.
Fields may not appear.
The system may return an error message when you attempt to use a function (indicating the function is turned off).
To correct the above situation, simply remove the module from the turned off list thus making it accessible again.
Your module configuration setup is displayed on the installations record.