Characteristic Types
Many maintenance objects in the system support characteristics tables, which are used to capture additional fields for the object that are not already supported by the object’s provided attributes. Each characteristic is associated with a characteristic type, which defines attributes of the field you wish to capture.
While each characteristic is stored in a separate row in the characteristic table, the user interface metaphor used to capture and display them differ based on the type of page that is used to maintain the object.
For portal based pages, the business object drives the display and maintenance of the object. The display and maintenance of each characteristic is determined by the business object's user interface design. For these types of pages, it is recommended that characteristics are defined as flattened elements allowing the user interface to display the characteristic as if it is another field. Refer to The Flattening Nodes and Attributes for more information about flattening characteristics on a business object schema.
There are some fixed pages in the system that do not support customization of the user interface. For these objects, the characteristics are displayed / maintained as a generic list.
The topics in this section describe various aspects of a characteristic type definition and usage.
Characteristic Value Types
Every characteristic referenced on an object references a characteristic type. The characteristic type controls the validity of the information entered by a user when they enter the characteristic's values. For example, if you have a characteristic type on user called "skill", the information you setup on this characteristic type controls the valid values that may be specified by a user when defining another user's skill.
When you setup a characteristic type, you must classify it as one of the following categories:
Predefined Value. When you setup a characteristic of this type, you define the individual valid values that may be entered by a user. A good example of such a characteristic type would be one on User to define one or more predefined skills for that user. The valid values for this characteristic type would be defined in a discreet list.
Ad hoc Value. Characteristics of this type do not have their valid values defined in a discreet list because the possible values are infinite. Good examples of such a characteristic type would be ones used to define a user's birth date or their mother's maiden name. Optionally, you can plug-in an algorithm on such a characteristic type to validate the value entered by the user. For example, you can plug-in an algorithm on a characteristic type to ensure the value entered is a date.
Foreign Key Value. Characteristics of this type have their valid values defined in another table. For example perhaps you want to link a user to a table where User is not already a foreign key. Valid values for this type of characteristic would be defined on the user table. Before you can create a characteristic of this type, information about the table that contains the valid values must be defined on the foreign key reference table.
File Location. Characteristics of this type contain a URL. The URL can point to a file or any web site. Characteristics of this type might be useful to hold references to documentation / images associated with a given entity. For example, the image of a letter sent to you by one of your customers could be referenced as a file location characteristic on a customer contact entry. When such a characteristic is defined on an entity, a button can be used to open the URL in a separate browser window.
File location characteristic values must be entered in a "non-relative" format. For example, if you want to define a characteristic value of, enter the characteristic value as If you omit the http:// prefix, the system will suffix the characteristic value to the current URL in your browser and attempt to navigate to this location when the launch button is pressed. This may or may not be the desired result.
Due to browser security restrictions, opening URLs using the file protocol ("file://") from pages retrieved using http does not work. If the file protocol is used, the browser either does not return properly or an error is thrown (e.g., "Access Denied", which usually results from cross site scripting features added for security reasons). This issue has no known workaround. To comply with browser security standards, the recommendation is to move the target files to an FTP or HTTP server location to avoid protocols that are subject to browser security restrictions.
Also note that the functionality described in the topics for Referencing URIs do not apply to this value given that the browser is responsible for connecting to the URI and does not go via server logic.
For references to a file, the recommendation is to use the Attachment functionality to link a file to an object rather than a characteristic type of File Location. Refer to Attachment Overview for more information. The documentation related to file location remains for upgrade purposes.
Searching By Characteristic Values
For certain entities in the system that have characteristics, you may search for a record linked to a given characteristic value. The search may be done in one of the following ways:
Some base searches provide an option to search for an object by entering Characteristic Type and Characteristic Value.
Your implementation may define a customized search for an entity by a characteristic value for a specific characteristic type using a query data explorer.
Your implementation may require a business service to find a record via a given characteristic value. For example, maybe an upload of user information attempts to find the user via an Employee ID, defined as a characteristic.
Not all entities that support characteristics support searching by characteristics. To confirm if a given characteristic table supports searching, verify that it includes the field SRCH_​CHAR_​VAL.
For ad-hoc characteristics, only the first 50 bytes are searchable. For foreign key characteristics, the search value is populated by concatenating the values of each foreign key column to a maximum of 50 bytes.
For the base searches that provide a generic option to search by characteristic type and value, you can restrict the characteristic types that can be used to search for an entity. For example, imagine you use a characteristic to define a "jurisdiction" associated with a To Do for reporting purposes. If your company operates within a very small number of jurisdictions, you wouldn't want to allow searching for a To Do by jurisdiction, as a large number of To Do entries would be returned.
A flag on the characteristic type allows an administrator to indicate if searching by this characteristic type is allowed or not allowed.
Data Typing an Ad-hoc Characteristic Value
An Ad hoc Value characteristic type may further restrict the data type of the captured value by referencing a Field. When populated, the system validates that the captured characteristic value complies with the data type definition of the referenced field.
Valid Characteristic Entities
Characteristics are stored in designated tables, each associated with a unique characteristic entity value referenced on the table definition record. A characteristic type record lists all the valid characteristic entities it is allowed to be captured on.
Customizing Base Owned Characteristic Types
Implementations may customize the following aspects of a base owned characteristic type:
Extend the list of valid values for a base owned Predefined Value characteristic type to include additional custom values. Such extension is only supported if the characteristic type is defined with the Custom option turned on.
Provide a custom algorithm to validate an Ad hoc Value characteristic type.
Indicate whether characteristics of this type may be used in searches.
Extend the list of entities associated with the characteristic type.