Prompt User Steps
Note:BPA scripts only. This step type is only applicable to BPA scripts.
Prompt user steps cause the user to be presented with a menu of options. The options can be presented using either buttons or in the contents of a drop down. You can also use steps of this type to pause a script while the user checks something out (and when the user is ready to continue with the script, they are instructed to click a prompt button). The following additional fields are required for Prompt User steps:
Prompt Type controls if the prompt shown in the script area is in the form of Button(s) or a Dropdown. Note, if you use a Dropdown, a Continue button appears adjacent to the dropdown in the script area when the step executes. The user clicks the Continue button when they are ready for the script to continue.
The Prompt Values grid contains a row for every value that can be selected by a user. Note, if you use a Prompt Type of Button(s), a separate button is displayed in the script area for each entry in this grid.
Prompt Text is the verbiage to appear on the button or in the dropdown entry. Refer to How To Substitute Variables In Text for a description of how you can substitute field values into the prompts.
Sequence controls the order of the buttons or dropdown entries.
Use As Default can only be turned on for one entry in the grid. If this is turned on for a dropdown entry, this value is defaulted in the grid. If this is turned on for a button, this button becomes the default (and the user should just have to press Enter (or space) rather than click on it).
Next Script Step defines the step to execute if the user clicks the button or selects the dropdown value.