Adjusting Data Prior to Comparing
Some records may have data that is specific to the environment it is in and won't apply in the target environment. In such cases, an algorithm plugged into the migration plan primary instruction may be used to adjust the data when importing. This algorithm is executed by the comparison algorithm before any comparison is performed. Algorithms of this system event receive the view of the source record (being imported) and the view of the existing record in the target region, if it exists. The data is provided using the physical BO of the migration plan’s maintenance object. The algorithm may make changes and pass a new view of the record that should be used for the comparison. This system event supports multiple algorithms that are executed in sequence. Each algorithm receives the original record’s data, the target record’s data (if applicable) and the ‘new’ view of the data (as populated by previous algorithms, if any). The final ‘new’ view of the data is used for the object comparison.
Refer to Base Business Objects for more information about physical BOs.
Some examples of records that may require import algorithms.
Batch Control references its next batch sequence number along with snapshot information like the last run date / time. This information is only relevant with respect to its environment. The instruction for a batch control can include an algorithm to not overwrite the batch sequence number when copying a batch control.
Some products include administrative objects that reference a master data object. Master data objects are not copied as part of CMA. An import algorithm may be used to adjust the referenced master data foreign key when importing, for example to reset it (or not overwrite when updating). If the algorithm knows how to find the appropriate master data record to link, that may also be included.
Note that it is possible to use the algorithm to "reset" the source data as a way of indicating that the record should not be imported. For these situations, the migration object comparison step will transition the record to Unchanged and will use an object action value of Canceled. (Note that object action is a simple lookup value. The record is not transitioned to the Canceled BO state as to reserve that status for user initiated cancellations of the object or one of its parent records). This technique not expected to be used often because ideally using appropriate selection criteria at export time should ensure that the only records exported are those that should be imported.
Note:Legacy ‘Import’ system event. The system originally provided an Import system event / plug-in spot. The purpose of algorithms for this plug-in spot were similar in that they were meant to adjust imported data prior to adding or updating. The algorithms were executed in the Apply step. The logic does not allow for easily interacting with the record using a BO. This makes it difficult to use a plug-in script as the plug-in type. In addition, it is difficult to update elements in an XML column. The support for the plug-in spot will be removed in a future release. Algorithms to adjust the data should be using the pre-compare system event.