Additional Considerations
The following sections describe some additional considerations for CMA.
File Transfer Considerations
When moving the export file between systems, use the binary transfer option of whatever tool you use to move the file so that line-end characters are not converted from Linux-style to Windows-style or vice versa.
It is recommended to avoid using 'txt' for the export file's extension (defined in the master configuration). That file extension by default implies a non-binary file and tools that perform file transfer may treat this as a non-binary file unless explicitly stated. The recommendation is to define 'cma' as the extension. This is not a recognized file extension and most file transfer tools will transfer the file as is.
Note that if the file gets converted, there are two likely outcomes - either a numeric conversion error, or a buffer under-run error may be received when attempting to import the file.
Multi-Language Environment Considerations
If your implementation uses a language other than English, it means that migrated administration objects may have multiple language rows (because English is always enabled). There are some important points with respect to multiple languages and CMA:
As described in User Language, there are steps to follow when supporting an additional language. The steps outlined in that topic highlight that for system data, translation of the strings may be provided via a language pack provided by the product or may be the responsibility of your implementation. In either case, this effort is non-trivial and will have its own established plan. The expectation is that the translation of the system data is applied for each region at your implementation site. CMA should not be used to create a new language in a target region.
For administrative / control data that your implementation develops as part of your project, the expectation is that descriptions for your supported language are entered in the region that is considered the source region used to promote changes to regions in the "chain". For example, control data is entered in a development region and promoted to a test with the supported language enabled in both regions.
What if you export data from a region with more languages enabled than your target? This scenario is perhaps a case where the source region is a type of test or playpen region where the additional language is enabled for other purposes. In this case, if the language code doesn't exist at all in the target region, the import will produce an error given that the code is invalid. If the language code exists but is not enabled, this will cause the extra language rows to be inserted in the target region, but will not cause any issues. They are simply ignored.
What if you export data from a region with fewer languages enabled than your target? In this situation, the import process will only create language rows for the languages that were copied from the source. It will not automatically create language rows in the target as part of the import. For this situation, the recommendation is to run the New Language batch program (F1-LANG) that creates any missing language entries.