Understanding Shift Plan Templates
While crew shifts can always be manually created to address a specific situation, they are typically planned and generated ahead of time based on recurring templates. Templates provide a tool for quickly generating large numbers of shifts based on predefined parameters.
A shift plan template defines a cyclical weekly pattern made up of weekday shift templates.
For example, you might define a weekly template in which the crew works its regular 9-5 shift Monday - Friday every week and also works an on-call shift on Saturday and Sunday every third week. Thus the shift plan template would rotate every 3 weeks.
Resource planners can create shift plan templates for specific crews, or they can create common templates and subscribe multiple crews to one template.
This section describes concepts related to setting up and maintaining shift plan templates.
A batch monitor associated with the subscription template business object performs the shift generation just like the crew specific shift weekly template. The base product implementation of generating shifts for a subscription uses the common template referenced on the subscription along with complementary details from the crew entity.