About ODM Configurations
A single asset or component can have many parameters and only certain combinations of parameter values that are allowed. Multiple assets and components may work together as a group with only certain combinations of settings that are allowed or supported.
Configurations document and manage the valid set ups for assets and components. This includes a specification for each asset or component in the configuration as well as the valid value for each parameter, such as the firmware version of each asset.
Configuration reports can be generated to provide a summary of any currently installed configurations. These reports show whether the configuration in an installation is valid or invalid, they show the identifiers and values being used, and they display all of the assets, components, and other elements that make up the installed configuration.
If a configuration is found to be invalid or in need of reconfiguration, field activities can be created based on configuration criteria. Configuration functionality can also be tied in with specifications to manage firmware version testing and upgrades.
Configuration Statuses
Configurations also allow you to define particular statuses. Applicable statuses include:
Under Testing
Use actions in the Record Actions section to transition the configuration to the appropriate status.