Construction Work Costs
Costs are managed just as they are for regular work but with some additional details:
Work Design Estimates
The Estimates tab on the work design tabulates totals for all of the resource types, overtime, overhead, and any additional line items. Calculated totals include the following:
Customer Built Contributions: Total derived value of customer supplied compatible units (display as credit)
Fixed Price Adjustment: (Fixed Price – Derived Price)
Estimate Grand Total: (Resource Cost + Additional Cost + Fixed Price Adjustment) – Customer Built Contributions
Overhead: Work Design % per resource class first then apply the additional overhead % to the total
Direct Overhead Cost
An “Overhead” activity can be created to collect direct overhead costs associated with the work design and construction work order, such as planner time, easements, and permits, and then allocate those costs across the actual construction activities based on the actual construction costs during the closeout process.