Mass Asset Disposition Update
The Mass Asset Disposition Update portal is used to move many assets of the same type from one asset location to another asset location. The target location is always a single asset location. For example, if a pallet of meters has been received in the receiving asset location, mass disposition can be used to move this batch of assets to a storage asset location or an out of service location. You can also use Mass Asset Disposition Update to retire tracked assets or to put a tracked asset into a storeroom location such as a repair shop.
Refer to About Assets for more information.
Assets that are inventory tracked (managed as stock items via inventory control) cannot be moved in or out of inventory storerooms using mass asset disposition update. In this case, the asset must be moved using stock transactions.
You can access the portal from Menu, select Asset Management, and then select Mass Asset Disposition Update. You are brought to a query portal with options to change the status and location of multiple assets at one time. Select the appropriate assets and click the Change Disposition button to execute the change.