Understanding Customer Questions
Customer questions are used to capture specific information related to a customer or their service. Questions are associated with programs to help determine a customer's eligibility for that program.
Customer questions are defined by the following:
Question: A name or code for the question.
Question Text: The specific text of the question (such as "Do you have Internet service?").
Status: The current status of the question. 
Answers: One or more answers to the question, including the answer style (such as checkbox, radio button, date or date/time, text input, or pre-defined characteristic type), a code for the answer (such as "Y" or "N"), status, and answer text (such as "Yes" or "No"), if different from the code.
System Data
Customer questions are based on the system data:
Data Type
Maintenance Object
Question - CCB (C1-QSTN)
Business Object(s)
Customer Question (C1-Question)