Purchasing and Inventory APIs (SOAP)
Purchasing and Inventory APIs enable an external system to receive and exchange communications related to purchasing and inventory.
Refer to Oracle Utilities REST API for Work and Asset Management for additional information.
Purchasing and Inventory APIs involve the following Inbound web services:
W1–BlanketContractIntegInbound (Integration Inbound Blanket Contract):
Creates or updates a blanket contract header record which may or may not have blanket contract lines.
W1–FinancialTransIntegInbound (Integration Inbound Financial Transaction):
Creates or updates a financial transaction record.
W1–InvoiceIntegInbound (Integration Inbound Invoice): Creates or updates an invoice header record and one or more Invoice Lines.
W1–InvoicePaymentIntegInbound (Integration Inbound Invoice Payment):
Creates or updates payment information for an existing invoice.
W1–MaterialIssueIntegInbound (Integration Inbound Material Issue):
Creates or updates a material issue record.
W1–MaterialReturnIntegInbound (Integration Inbound Material Return):
Creates or updates a material return record.
W1–IntegInboundPurchaseOrder (Integration Inbound PO):
Creates or updates a purchase order header record and one or more purchase order lines.
W1–PurchaseReturnIntegInbound (Integration Inbound Purchase Return):
Creates or updates a purchase return line.
W1–ReceiptIntegInbound (Integration Inbound Receipt):
Creates or updates a receipt header record and one or more receipt lines.
W1–StockTransIntegInbound (Integration Inbound Stock Transaction):
Creates or updates a stock transaction record.
Purchasing and Inventory API involves the following Outbound web services:
W1–FTIMSG (Post Financial Transaction):
Sends information for Created financial transactions.
W1–MATRQIMSG (Send Material Request):
Sends information details for Ready for Issue material requests.
W1–PREQIMSG (Purchase Request Outbound):
Sends information details for Approved purchase request header and one or more lines.
W1–RCPTOUTMS (Receipt Outbound):
Sends information details for Completed receipt header and line.
W1–RTNOUTMS (Return Line Outbound):
Sends information details for Returned return line header and line.