Enrolling and Unenrolling Customers Using Process Flow
Enrollment and unenrollment processing in Oracle Utilities Digital Asset Cloud Service and Oracle Utilities Digital Asset Management can be initiated, monitored, and maintained using the Process Flow portal and functionality. This allows users to step through a series of panels on which they enter information about the customer, their location, and the controllable device. See About Enrollment and Unenrollment (LINK) for more information.
Enrollment and unenrollment process flows are initiated from the Eligible Programs zone of the Customer View portal.
When navigating between panels on the Process Flow portal, the Next and Previous buttons allow you to move to the next or previous panels in the process respectively. To save your progress and settings before moving on to the next panel, click Save. Click Finish on the Summary panel to mark the process flow as Closed. To cancel the process, click Cancel Process. This transitions the service task to the "Canceled" state. See Action Method in the Administrative User Guide for more information the process flow functionality,
The following sections describe the content on the different panels used in enrollment and unenrollment process flows.
he Customer panel is used to specify data about the customer, the program, and the controllable devices associated with the enrollment or unenrollment process. This includes the following:
Customer Information:
Metered Service: The customer's metered service record. 
Metered Service Point: The customer's metered service point.
Program: The program in which the customer will be enrolled (or from which the customer will be unenrolled).
Start Date: The start date of the customer's enrollment in the program (will be used as the program subscription's Start Date). Applicable only to enrollment processes.
Stop Date: The stop date of the customer's enrollment in the program (will be used as the program subscription's End Date). Applicable only to unenrollment processes.
Controllable Assets:
Installation Method: The installation method for the controllable devices associated with the enrollment or unenrollment process. Options include:
Bring Your Own: The customer supplies their own device.
Ship Device: The utility will ship the device to the customer.
Utility Installation: The utility will install the device at the customer's device location.
Asset Ownership: Who owns the asset. Options include:
Customer Owned: The customer owns the asset/device.
Utility Owned: The utility owns the asset/device.
Asset List: A list of one or more controllable assets that will be enrolled in the program. The information provided for each asset changes based on the Installation Method and Asset Ownership, such as a specific device ID for devices owned by the utility but installed by the customer, or a set of identifying information (device type, specification, head end system, badge number/serial number/NIC ID for devices owned and installed by the customer.
The Eligibility panel is used to determine if the the customer is eligible for the program, and includes the following:
The Eligibility Characteristics section displays characteristics types and values associated with the selected program (if applicable).
The Qualification Questions section lists the questions associated with the selected program. These are taken from the Qualifications configured on the program (see About Programs (LINK)).
The Related Programs section allows you to select other programs that the customer may be currently enrolled in.
When the use clicks Next on this panel, the system compares the answers provided in the Qualification Questions section answers the against "correct" answers configured on the program and checks the customer's eligibility for the program based in the program's Program Initiative (see Understanding Program Initiatives (LINK)).
This panel is applicable only to enrollment processes.
Device Setup
The Device Setup panel is used to manage device setup activities (based on the service task's service task type), and can include the following:
Field Activity: A Service Order Management field activity used to manage installation or inspection of the device. Device installation can be facilitated by a Field Activity or Work Order. 
Supported Field Task Types for enrollment field activities include Install Controllable Device and Investigate Controllable Device.
For field activities in the "Waiting for Appointment" state, click Request Slot, enter a date and time range for appointment slots, and click Search. Select an appointment slot from the search results.
Work Order: A Work and Asset Management work order used to manage installation or inspection of the device. Device installation can be facilitated by a Work Order or Field Activity.
Command: A device command used to test communication with the device.
Supported commands include Controllable Device Status Check
The Summary panel displays a summary of information related to the enrollment or unenrollment process, including:
Enrollment Task: The Service Task used by the process and its current status.
Customer Information: Contact and identification for the customer, including the customer's Metered Service record .
Program Information: The program the customer will be enrolled in (or unenrolled from) and the start date or stop date (respectively).
Location Information: for the device location, including the customer's Metered Service Point.
Asset Information: Details for the asset(s) enrolled/unenrolled in the program, including the Installation Method and Asset Ownership, and list of assets.
Click Finish on the Summary panel to mark the process flow as Closed. Click Cancel Process to cancel the process.