Maintaining Template Construction Work Orders
This portal is used to view and maintain template construction work orders.
You can access this portal from Menu, select Construction Work Management, then select Template Construction Work Order. You are brought to a query portal with options for searching for specific construction work order templates. Once the template has been selected, you are brought to the maintenance portal where you can view and maintain the selected record.
The following zones may appear as part of the portals Main tab page:
Template Construction Work Order: This zone provides information about the selected template construction work order and enables user functions to define projects, work priorities, lead days, and more.
Template Construction Work Activities: This zone lists the template construction work activities associated with the template construction work order.
Notes: This zone lists all the notes that have been added for the template construction work order.
The following zones may appear as part of the portals Cost tab page:
Template Construction Work Order Cost: This zone displays cost summary information, including overhead cost, associated with the selected template construction work order. An appropriate Overhead can be applied by selecting Edit from within the Resource Overhead section. The selected Overhead is then displayed in the Resource Overhead section on both the template construction work order and template construction work activity Cost tab.