Base Product System Data
For any table that includes the owner flag, the base product will follow a naming convention for any new data that is owned by the base product. The primary key for records introduced by the product is prefixed with xn- where xn is the value of the owner flag. For example, if a new background process is introduced to the framework product, the batch code name is prefixed with F1-.
There are some cases where the hyphen is not included. For example, portal codes omit the hyphen.
For most system data, the remainder of the primary key is all in capital case. An exception is schema oriented records. For business objects, business services, scripts, data areas and UI maps, the product follows the general rule of using CapitalCase after the product owner prefix. For example, F1-AddToDoEntry is the name of a base product business service.
Note:Data Explorer Business Services. For business services used to invoke a data explorer zone, it is recommended to name the Business Service the same name as the related zone rather than defining a different CapitalCase name for the business service.
Please note that this standard is followed for all new records introduced by the base product. However, there are base product entries in many of these system data tables that were introduced before the naming convention was adopted. That data does not follow the naming convention described above.
Note:Schema naming conventions. A context sensitive "Schema Tips" zone is associated with any page where a schema may be defined. The zone provides recommended naming conventions for elements within a schema along with a complete list of the XML nodes and attributes available to you when you construct a schema.