Feature Configuration - Main
To define your feature configuration, open Admin > General > Feature Configuration.
Use the Feature Configuration Query portal to search for an existing feature configuration. Once a feature configuration is selected, you are brought to the maintenance portal to view and maintain the selected record.
Description of Page
Enter an easily recognizable Feature Name code.
Indicate the Feature Type for this configuration. For example, if you were setting up the options for the external messages, you'd select External Messages.
Note:You can add new Feature Types. Refer to the description of the page above for how you can add Feature Types to control features developed for your implementation.
Note:Multiple Feature Configurations for a Feature Type. Some Feature Types allow multiple feature configurations. The administration documentation for each feature will tell you when this is possible.
The Options grid allows you to configure the feature. To do this, select the Option Type and define its Value. Set the Sequence to 1 unless the option may have more than value. Detailed Description may display additional information on the option type.
Note:Each option is documented elsewhere. The administration documentation for each feature describes its options and whether an option supports multiple values. Use the index to look for ‘feature configuration’ to find the various types of feature options.
Note:You can add new options to base-package features. Your implementation may want to add additional options to one of the base-package's feature types. For example, your implementation may have plug-in driven logic that would benefit from a new option. To do this, display the lookup field that holds the desired feature's options. The lookup field's name is xxxx_​OPT_​TYP_​FLG where xxxx is the identifier of the feature on the EXT_​SYS_​TYP_​FLG lookup value. For example, to add new batch scheduler options, display the lookup field BS_​OPT_​TYP_​FLG.