User Group - Main
Select Admin > Security > User Group to view the application services to which a user has access.
Application services may not be changed or removed from the ALL_​SERVICES user group. Refer to The Base Package Controls One User, One User Group, And Many Application Services for an explanation.
Description of Page
Enter a unique User Group code and Description for the user group.
Owner indicates if this user group is owned by the base package or by your implementation (Customer Modification). The system sets the owner to Customer Modification when you add a user group. This information is display-only.
The Application Services grid displays the various application services to which users in this group have access. Use the App Service Description search to restrict the application services displayed in the grid.
Note, Owner indicates if this user group / application service relationship is owned by the base package or by your implementation (Customer Modification). The system sets the owner to Customer Modification when you add an application service to the user group. This information is display-only.
Please note the following with respect to maintaining application services linked to the user group:
To add additional application services to this user group, navigate to the User Group - Application Services page and click the add icon.
To remove or change this user group's access to an application service, click the go to button adjacent to the respective application service. This will cause you to be transferred to the User Group - Application Services tab where you should click the delete icon to remove the application service from the user group.
Refer to User Group Services Management for a more convenient, faster method to add or remove application services to or from a user group in bulk.