Audit Trails
The topics in this section describe one way of auditing changes in the system. Note that this technique has limitations and may not be the best option for all situations.
This functionality is configured at the table and field level. Many base maintenance objects use an XML or CLOB field to capture one or more elements using XML format, configured using a BO schema. This auditing technique is not able to capture changes to individual elements. It can only capture overall changes to the single field. The BO Audit plug-in is a better option for auditing changes to individual elements with the CLOB / XML field.
The base table provided for supporting audits limits the field size of the before and after values to 254 bytes.
Auditing is captured for each field. In some cases it is prefered to capture a before and after image for several fields at once. For example, if an address is changed, it’s nore user friendly to capture the before and after for the full address rather than the individual address components. The BO Audit plug-in allows for capturing a single audit record for multiple elements rather than granular changes for each element.
The subsequent topics highlight how to enable auditing for fields, and describe the auditing queries that you can use to view audit records.