Monitor Background Processes
In many areas of the system, functionality is driven from business object configuration as a BO driven record progresses through its lifecycle. Refer to Business Object Lifecycle for details. As part of that functionality, it is possible that a background process, called a monitor batch process, is used to execute functionality for the record. A single program is provided for the BO monitor functionality. The product also provides a batch control template (F1-MNTPL) that should be used as a starting point. Parameters are used to limit the records processed by maintenance object and other optional parameters that may further limit the records. The product typically provides at least one monitor batch control for each maintenance object that supports a configurable lifecycle on its business object.
This topic highlights the parameters supported by the monitor batch job. Not all parameters are applicable to all maintenance objects and therefore may not be configured on a given base monitor batch control.
Parameter Name
Maintenance Object
For most base delivered batch controls, this parameter is delivered already populated with the value of the maintenance object value. Note that it is supported to leave this value blank, at which point, the program will determine the maintenance object (objects) to process by looking for an MO that refers to this batch control record as an option.
Restrict by Batch Code
Set this to true to indicate whether the process should only select records that explicitly refer to this batch control on its current BO state. This is also referred to as "deferred" mode. If set to false, the program includes all records that refer to the current batch control in its BO state and records that don't refer to any batch control in its current state (but monitor algorithms exist in the current state). This is commonly referred to as "periodic" mode. Note that if the value is not set at all, the program will determine whether to run it as "deferred" or "periodic" based on whether the batch code is configured on the MO option as a State Monitor Process (“deferred”) or a Periodic Monitor Process.
Restrict by Related Type
This parameter is only applicable to maintenance objects that have a related 'type' object and the maintenance object has configured an option indicating the field for the related type column. This parameter may be used to limit the processing to records that are in the indicated type.
Restrict by Business Object
This parameter may be used to limit the processing to records that are in the indicated business object.
Restrict by Status
This parameter may be used to limit the processing to records that are in the indicated status.
Restrict By Date
Enter a valid date on the record's primary table to limit processing to records that are have a value in this field that is on or before the batch business date. Optionally, enter "+" or "-" followed by a number to shift the comparison date to the batch business date plus or minus the given number. For example, entering REVIEW_​DT -3 will retrieve all records whose review date is on or before the batch business date minus 3 days.
Sample Record Number
This is not a commonly used parameter. It is only applicable when the monitor is used for a business use case that supports processing a subset of the records during a testing phase. For example, if the process is validating a large number of records, it may be an option to only validate every 100 records to determine if there are repeated validation errors that may indicate a common problem that may be solved to fix many errors.
Also note that when submitting a monitor process with multiple parallel threads, the program will use a Thread Level SQL Select strategy unless any of the following are true (in which case it will use the Job Level SQL Select strategy:
The input maintenance object is left blank and the program finds more than one maintenance object that refers to this batch control in its options.
A single MO is applicable but it has a multi-part primary key.
A single MO is applicable and it has a single primary key, but it is a user defined key instead of a system generated key.
The sample record number parameter is populated.