Uploading Records
The base product provides a background process to upload data from a file. The batch control Plug-in Driven File Upload Template (F1-PDUPL) may be used as a template. The process includes parameters to configure the file path and file name for file to upload along with other parameters to control how to handle missing files and how to rename the file once processed. Refer to the description of the batch control and its parameters for more information.
This background process requires an algorithm plugged into the plug-in spot File Upload. This plug-in is called once for a given file. The batch process opens the file and passes to the algorithm the file reader element. The algorithm associated with the batch control is responsible for using provided APIs to read the content of the file and store the data in appropriate table(s) (for example, an appropriate staging table).  The base provided process supports uploading multiple files and may be run mutli-threaded to process multiple files. Each file is processed by one call to the File Upload algorithm and supports a single commit for the records uploaded in a given file.
Plug-in scripts written to implement this type of algorithm must use the Groovy script engine version as the APIs are not accessible using the XPath scripting language. Refer to Additional Coding Options For Server Scripts for more information.
Note that this step in the upload of data is only one part of a typical upload end-to-end process. This step is sometimes referred to in the product as "Process X". The goal of this step is to get records from a file into database records, with minimal validation and processing. The data should be stored in records that are then processed by a second step (often referred to in the product as the "upload" step, for example "Payment Upload"). The second step, independent of the plug-in driven batch process described here, is responsible for validating the data and should be able to be threaded by individual records and have proper error handling for individual records. Note that depending on the type of data being uploaded, the product may already supply appropriate tables that the plug-in driven upload process may populate. These could be staging tables, such as payment upload staging. Or they may be records with business objects that have a lifecycle designed to handle uploaded data, for example Business Flag. In such cases, the product will typically supply out-of-the-box background processes to validate and further process the data and finalize the upload. If the data to upload does not already have a base provided staging table, be sure to work with your implementation team to identify an appropriate table to use for the plug-in driven batch upload. In addition, confirm the design for the second step that is responsible for the detailed validation and finalization of the data.
The product supplies sample algorithms to illustrate calling the supplied APIs for processing different types of source data: comma delimited, fixed position and XML. In every case, the sample data supported by the upload uses 'degree day' information to illustrate the process. The system provides sample target records (based on the Fact maintenance object) in order to illustrate the step to store records based on the input data. Note that only sample plug-in scripts have been provided. No algorithm, algorithm type or batch control is configured to use the sample plug-in scripts. To view the scripts, navigate to the Script page, search for a Script Type of Plug-in Script and Algorithm Entity of Batch Control - File Upload and look for the 'Sample' scripts.
Note that the sample plug-in scripts provided by the product are supplied to illustrate use of the provided APIs. They should not be considered a template for how to implement a plug-in script for a real use case. The following highlight some points to consider when designing a file upload algorithm:
Error handling / resolution. The sample plug-in scripts do some basic error handling related to the data to illustrate error handling. However, any errors found in this step require processing of the whole file to stop. As such, this plug-in should only report errors that are not possible to fix, but where the whole file should be rejected. If there are errors that can be adjusted in the data, then the recommendation is to not check for those errors at this step. Rather, this plug-in should simply populate the appropriate staging tables and let the next step check for validity. As described above, the next step should include the ability to mark individual records in error, allowing for users to fix the data and retry.
Target tables. The sample plug-in scripts use Fact as the target for the resulting insert statements. As mentioned above, the decision of where to store the uploaded data must be carefully considered. There may already be existing tables that are specific to a given use case. If the data being uploaded does not have existing tables to use, review the product to verify what existing tables may be useful, such as Inbound Sync Request or Service Task. Be sure that the tables chosen support error handling, either out-of-the box or via designing an appropriate business object with a lifecycle that supports an error status and the ability to resolve the error. Also note that the Sample Flat File Upload plug-in illustrates a header record / detail record scenario. In this case, the header record is linked to the child record via a CLOB element. This is not the recommended technique. In a real use case, the header record should be linked to the child record via a separate database column to allow for searching.
Configuring a New Process
The following points summarize the steps needed to implement a new file upload background process:
Verify the details of the data in the upload file and map the data to fields in one or more appropriate tables in the system.
Design the logic required for reading the record details and identifying each record to properly create the insert statements for storing the data. The sample plug-in scripts provided by the product illustrate using the various APIs available for use. Create a plug-in script where the algorithm entity is Batch Control - File Upload. Create an appropriate algorithm type and algorithm for this plug-in script.
Create a batch control by duplicating the base template. Plug in the algorithm created above and configure the parameters as appropriate. Note that you may configure custom ad hoc parameters on the batch control if required. Both base and custom batch parameter values are available to the File Upload algorithm.