Accumulative Data Synchronization
The product supports a data synchronization method by which several changes made to an entity may be accumulated and sent together as a single message to the external system.
The following points describe the functionality at a high level:
When an entity is added, changed or deleted, a snapshot of the entity’s data from before the change is captured on one or more sync requests, one for each external system the data needs to be interfaced to. The before-update snapshot is used as a base line for detecting all changes made since then at the time of sending the message to the external system.
Sync requests are processed by the next monitor batch process.
The processing of the sync request typically involves business rules that compare the before-update snapshot with the current content of the entity to detect all change made. If changes were made, logic may decide to proceed with the sending the synchronization message otherwise the request is discarded. These rules are also responsible for handling any errors encountered while communicating with the external system and manage retry attempts as needed.
This functionality is supported by logic supplied in the base business object Sync Request (F1-SyncRequest). Note that each edge application delivers an appropriate child business object for this BO for each specific synch scenario supported in that product. Some of the functionality below is accomplished using configuration on the parent BO delivered by the framework while other functionality may be delivered by the child BO. In addition, there may be more complex use cases supported by your specific product integration. Refer to your specific application’s library of Sync Request business object along with the documentation related to your specific product integration for more information.
The following sections describe key aspects of this data synchronization approach.
Capturing the Change
The base product provides a change data capture (MO Audit) algorithm F1-GCHG-CDCP that may be used by maintenance objects that need to be synchronized by this method. This algorithm creates a Sync Request record for the changed record, capturing the MO code and the primary key, if it doesn’t find an existing sync request for the same record (and the same business object) in the initial state. The sync request business object used is the one defined in the Sync Request BO option on the MO for the record that was changed. If more than one such option exists then multiple sync requests are created.
Your specific product may also introduce additional Audit algorithms to cater for more sophisticated examples.
When creating the sync request record, typically the Sync Request BO will have a pre-processing plug-in that captures a snapshot of the record’s data prior to its change. This will be used in subsequent steps to verify that the external system needs to be notified of the change.
Confirming that a Sync is Needed
Once a sync request is captured, there are several steps performed prior to any information being sent to the external system.
This section only highlights key steps. Please refer to the business object configuration, its lifecycle and algorithms for a thorough picture of the full functionality..
When a Sync Request record is created, its initial state (Pending) is configured to be processed by a batch monitor. That way, records are added to the sync request table throughout the day but all are processed together. The MO audit algorithm ensures that a new synch request is not created if a Pending record already exists for a given MO / PK combination (for the same business object). However, it is possible that a record for that MO / PK exists in a subsequent “non-final” (such as Awaiting Acknowledgement). This state includes a monitor algorithm to check for that condition and to skip transitioning if another record exists. This is done to ensure that the existing record is fully processed before this new record is processed.
The next state of the lifecycle is Determine if Sync Needed. This step uses an algorithm to take a snapshot (called the ‘final snapshot’) of the data and compare it against the initial snapshot taken when the record was created. Based on the logic of the algorithm, it may decide to proceed (transition to Send Request or to discontinue (transition to Discarded.
Communicating to the External System
Once it is confirmed that the sync should occur, a message must be sent to the external system. The following points highlight the basic functionality.
An algorithm linked to the Send Request state. The expectation is that this algorithm creates an outbound message that routes the information to the external system appropriately. The algorithm must determine the external system and outbound message type to use. Business objects for Sync Request support BO options to define the external system and outbound message type to use for this algorithm.
Once the outbound message is triggered, the record transitions to the Awaiting Acknowledgement status. This state is used to hold the sync request from further state transitions until an acknowledgement is received from the external system. Note that this step relies on implementation of a response mechanism from the external system. It is recommended to implement a response as this helps control the chronological flow of information. The product supplies the business service F1-UpdateSyncRequest that transitions the sync request to either the next default state (in this case the Synchronized state) if a positive acknowledgement is received; or the state associated with the Rejection transition condition (in this case the Error state) if a negative acknowledgement is received. In addition, this state may be configured with a monitor algorithm that detects that a timeout limit has been reached.
For records that enter the Error state, it is recommended to configure an algorithm that creates a To Do entry to alert someone of the problem. Refer to the integration documentation for more information. The state is already preconfigured with an algorithm to complete To Dos when exiting the state.
The final state Synchronized is used to mark the successful synchronizations. However, for more complicated use cases, this state may be used to trigger some additional action. Refer to the documentation for your specific product integration for more information.