Defining Conditional Formatting
Clicking the Edit button in the Format section of the Settings area allows you to define formatting rules for the display of values in the cube view data grid. The rules are based on mathematical expressions or formulas which use the cube view values as variables.
The formulas must be expressed using the field names of the values for the cube, as used in the cube view query zone. A list displaying the Column Name and associated Label for each value configured in the cube view is provided, to assist in defining the formulas.
The following attributes need to be defined for each rule:
The Sequence defines the order in which the formatting rules are evaluated.
The Active check box indicates whether the rule should be applied or not..
The Formula defines the mathematical expression that is evaluated to determine whether the formatting should be applied. The expression variables should reference the Column Name of the value.
Format defines the formats to be applied to cells whose value meets the condition expressed in the formula. The formats include the Background and Text colors and whether the text should be in Bold.
The Stop If True check box indicates whether to stop evaluating the remaining formulas in sequence if this formula evaluates to true.