Real Time Messages
The system supports the ability to make web service calls, i.e. sending real time messages, to an external system.
The system supports special functionality for sending an Email message real-time. Refer to Sending Email for more information.
For other types of real-time messages, the system also uses outbound message type and external system configuration to format and route the message. When defining the configuration for real time messages, an additional step is required to define the mechanism for routing the message using a message sender. The system supports routing messages via HTTP and via JMS. Note that for HTTP routing, the system also supports sending the message using a JSON format.
Just like near real-time messages, initiating a real-time outbound message may also be done from a script. When a real time message is added, the system immediately routes it to the external system. If the external system provided a response message back, the system captures the response on the outbound message. If the outbound message type for the external system is associated with a response XSL it is applied to transform the response. In this case the system captures the raw response as well on the outbound message. Note that the outbound message BO should be configured to capture a response XML in its schema.
Any error (that can be trapped) causes the outbound message to be in a state of Error. It is the responsibility of the calling process to check upon the state of the outbound message and take a programmatic action. When the outbound message state is changed back to Pending the message will be retried.
The base package provides two business services: Outbound Message Dispatcher (F1-OutmsgDispatcher) and Outbound Message Mediator (F1-OutmsgMediator) that further facilitate making web service calls. Both business services are similar, allowing the calling script to configure the following behavior (with differences noted):
Whether or not exceptions encountered while sending the message are trapped. Trapping errors allows the calling script to interrogate any errors encountered and take some other programmatic action.
Whether or not the sent message is persisted as an actual outbound message record.
If a persisted message is desired, the recommendation is to use the Outbound Message Dispatcher. This business service creates the message using standard BO processing, relying on the outbound message logic to route the message and store the record. The message is routed after the BO pre-processing algorithm and after the record is persisted but before the BO post-processing and audit plug-ins are executed. If you need to send the outbound message ID as part of the message, refer to Capturing the Outbound Message ID in the Message for more information.
If the message should not be persisted, then the recommendation is to use the Outbound Message Mediator. As mentioned, the Outbound Message Dispatcher creates the outbound message record, relying on the outbound message logic to route the message. If it should not be persisted, it is subsequently deleted. In contrast the Outbound Message Mediator executes the BO pre-processing algorithms and then routes the message explicitly without creating a message record. It is more efficient for scenarios that don't require persistence. Note that the Outbound Message Mediator also supports persistence, but it does so by creating the records without using BO processing. This is not recommended. The Dispatcher is the better option if persistence is desired.
Refer to the descriptions of the two business services for more information.