Message Option
The Message Option page defines various system settings used by the system when processing external messages.
To define options for your environment, open Admin > Integration > Message Option.
Description of Page
The following options are supported.
Option Name
Default Email Sender
This is the default Message Sender used for sending e-mails when no explicit Message Sender is specified.
Default User
The default user is used by the system to access your product when no other user is explicitly specified.
Email Attachment File Location
This is the default location of e-mail attachment files. If not specified, the e-mail service provided with the product assumes a full path is provided with each attachment file.
Email XSL File Location
This is the default location of e-mail XSL files. If not specified, the e-mail service provided with the product assumes a full path is provided to an XSL file as part of an e-mail request.
Messages Language
The default language to use for the messages.
Outbound Message Schema Location
Enter the full path of the virtual directory where valid W3C schemas are stored if your implementation wants to validate outbound message schemas. For example: http:/localhost/cisxai/schemas.
Schema Validation Flag
Enter Y to turn on schema validation for outbound messages. Enter N to turn this off.
To Do Type for Inbound JMS Message Errors
To Do type for inbound JMS message errors. The inbound message processor uses this To Do type when creating To Do entries for inbound JMS messages that cannot be successfully processed. The system provides the To Do type F1-INJMS that may be used here.
To Do Type for Outbound Message Errors
To Do type for outbound message errors. The outbound message receiver uses this To Do type when creating To Do entries for outbound messages that cannot be successfully processed. The system provides the To Do type F1-OUTMS that may be used here.
Note that the following options are no longer applicable.
Automatically Attempt Resend to Unavailable Sender (Y/N)
Default Response Character Encoding
JDBC Connection Pool Max size
Maximum Errors for a Sender
Messages JDBC Connection
MPL Administrator Port
MPL HTTP Server Authentication Method
MPL HTTP Server Password
MPL HTTP Server User
MPL Log File
MPL Trace File
MPL Trace Type
Privileged Users
Records MPL Receiver Will Process At a Time
Schema Directory
Send SOAP Fault as HTTP 500
Sender Retry Seconds
System Error JDBC Connection
System Error Max Retry
System Error Retry Interval
Thread Pool Initial Size
Thread Pool Max Size
Thread Pool Non Activity Time
WSDL Service Address Location
XAI Authentication Password
XAI Authentication User
XAI Trace File
XAI Trace Type
XSD Compliance
XSL Directory