Migration Data Set Import
Use the Migration Data Set Import portal to view and maintain migration data set import records. Refer to Importing and Applying a Migration for an overview of the import process.
Navigate using Admin > Implementation Tools > Migration Data Set Import. You are brought to a query portal with options for searching for import data sets. In addition, the query provides an option to specifically search for data sets that have either objects in error or transactions in error. Once a data set has been selected, you are brought to the maintenance portal to view and maintain the selected record.
The following zones are visible on the Main tab:
Migration Data Set Import. This zone contains display-only information about the selected record. Please see the zone’s help text for information about this zone’s fields.
Entity Summary. This zone provides a summary count of all migration objects included in the current data set across the various statuses.
The following zones are visible on the Transactions tab:
Migration Data Set Transactions in Error. This zone is only visible if there are transactions for this data set in a non-final state that have errors. It indicates the error for each transaction. A user may use this zone to review errors after the monitor batch job to apply transactions completes. The errors received when attempting to apply objects at the transaction level may differ from those received when attempting to apply objects at the object level. A transaction log is created for each object error received and these exceptions are shown in this zone.
Refer to Apply Step for more information about resolving errors.
Migration Data Set Transactions. This zone is visible once the Import Step has occurred and lists all the transactions that are related to the data set. To see more information about a specific migration transaction, click the hypertext for its ID. This brings you to the Migration Transaction portal.
The following zones are visible on the Objects tab:
Migration Data Set Objects in Error. This zone is only visible if there are objects for this data set in a non-final status that have errors. It indicates the error for each object. A user may use this zone to review errors after the monitor batch job to apply objects completes. Using the error information shown, the user can choose to drill into the record to transition it to Error Applying or choose to manually fix the cause of the errors and click Retry Objects. The user may also choose to select one or more records to Reject.
Refer to Apply Step for more information about resolving errors.
Migration Data Set Impacted Object Summary. This zone is visible once the Import Step has occurred and lists the objects that are related to the data set. To see more information about a specific migration object, click the hypertext for its ID. This brings you to the Migration Object portal. A user may choose to update the status of one or more records by checking the records and clicking Approve, Reject or Needs Review accordingly.