Admin Menu
The Admin menu icon, ,is available in the application toolbar to help you navigate to the different pages of the system. You only see the menu items that you have security access for. If you don't have security access to any of the entries in this menu, then the whole menu is suppressed.
Keyboard Shortcut
Depending on how your implementation has configured the Admin menu list, it may be organized either by functional area or alphabetically.
Clicking the Admin icon displays each functional area or alphabetical list. Clicking one of the options, in turn, displays a submenu that contains pages within that area. The following is an example of the Admin menu organized functionally.
The Admin Menu
Menu navigation paths referenced in the administrative user guide provide the functional grouping. If your implementation uses the alphabetic grouping, the page can be found in the alphabetic letter that is the first letter of the page name.
Refer to Installation Options for information about the admin menu configuration options.
The menu lines displayed for each menu entry typically have two options: Search and Add. If the menu item does not have an Add or Search option, select the menu item itself. See Menu for more information about these options.
The Admin Menu, Expanded
Users may also opt to use the Menu Item Search to find a page.