Checklist Types
Checklist types can be used for managing regulations around permit processes or for basic procedural steps in completing work activities. Refer to Checklists for more information on checklist functionality.
General Checklist Type
Checklists of this type are procedure driven and ensures the user works a pre-defined set of steps in the right order. A checklist type can have one to many line items with each line being marked either mandatory or not. Line items on checklist type are defaulted to a checklist during the checklist’s initial creation.
A checklist type also defines the following:
The maintenance object such checklists are applicable to; for example, Activity or Permit.
The impact such checklists should have when such a checklist is associated with a particular instance of the applicable maintenance object, for example, an activity, when that object enters certain statuses in its lifecycle and the checklist has not been completed. The impact could be no impact, warning, or stop processing (error).
The statuses such checklists should impact.
Permit Item Only Checklist Type
Similar to the General Checklist Type but with the following exceptions:
Each line item on this checklist type must reference a permit template. Each line item on a checklist of this checklist type refers to a permit whose permit template must match that on the corresponding line items on the checklist type.
Applicable maintenance object is only limited to Activity in the base product.