Completion Event Types
Completion event types are used to define various business events within the application. For example, completion event types might be configured for several types of asset processing such as asset installation, asset removal, replication, service history creation, and activity creation.
Completion event types are referenced on activity types to indicate which completion events should be included as part of the lifecycle of activities of that type and can be defined as optional or required. As examples, this can affect when service history is created for an activity and the disposition of the assets on an activity as the activity is processed.
You will need to add the completion event type to the activity type using the Activity Type portal in order to set the completion event types as optional or required. Also, setting a Default Event Date Time on the completion event type controls whether or not the completion event can be created automatically without user input.
Work activities that may be completed in the field by crews using the mobile application or by an external system require the following complete event types to be listed on the activity type:
Update Worked Assets (W1-MobileUpdateWorkedAssets)
Remove Tracked Asset (W1-RemoveTrackedAsset)
Remove Non-Tracked Asset (W1-RemoveNonTrackedAsset)
Install Tracked Asset (W1-InstallTrackedAsset)
Install Non-Tracked Asset (W1-InstallNonTrackedAsset)
Attach Component (W1-AttachComponent)
Create Operational Reading (W1-CreateOperationalRead)
Create Any Service History (W1-CrAnyServiceHistComplEvtTyp)
Removal completion event types must be listed before installation completion even types to support proper processing of asset exchanges.
The base package completion event type business objects can be used out of the box, however, it is likely that your implementation will want to configure special business objects to capture specific system events.
It is also important to note where optional completion event types might need to be used to capture incidental or unexpected events, such as:
Create follow-up activity
Create service history
Create attachment (asset and/or location)
Attachments added here are used as part of the completion event processing and may be used to update a picture or other supporting files about an asset.
Your implementation may want to carefully consider these types of events and possibly add them as optional on every completion event type where they might be needed.