Crafts, or labor, defines a skill or work specialty for crew members, such as mechanic, electrician, plumber, arborist, and so on. The actual number of labor hours required to work a task is able to be tracked using timesheets.
Every employee as a crew member is defined with a principal craft. This principal craft is used in scheduling activity labor requirements to shifts.
When principal crafts are defined, a secondary craft can also be added as part of the craft definition. Secondary crafts are regarded as additional or complementary skills to the principal craft. While secondary crafts are considered as an available craft during scheduling, their capabilities are given less importance in the schedule.
Likewise, a default set of crafts can be defined in the Crew Type Labor Profile zone at the crew type level. Crafts listed in this zone supersede the crafts defined for employees listed on the crew shift and total available hours for a particular craft is multiplied by the number of people.