About Functional Processes
A functional process is a grouping of asset locations that contribute to a larger function together. For example, multiple asset locations throughout the city that contribute to waste water functions can be grouped together under that process and examined for how well they are contributing.
The Functional Process portal gives users the ability to associate asset locations to multiple functional processes. Using water hydrants as an example, the hydrant can be part of the overall Water Distribution process and can also be part of the overall hydrants within the city. Multiple asset locations can be added at one time to any functional process using the Add Asset Location zone, which is only available when the functional process is in a Created status, just like the Edit hyperlink in the Functional Process Location zone.
The portal enables maintenance and renewal costs for the assets at those asset locations to be tracked across the functional process. Cost data is segregated based on cost category and broken down by Month to Date, Year to Date, and Lifetime. This information is display-only. User can view the cost summary for a specified period or narrow the period by specifying a different “from” and “to” date.
The portal also provides multiple ways to create work orders against a functional process:
Users can select the Asset Location context menu from the Functional Process Location zone on the Main tab.
Work Creation zone on the Maintenance tab enables users to create work orders against selected asset locations and assets.
Select the Tree View tab and drill down to the Asset context menu to create the work order.
Also, the Functional Process zone on the Maintenance tab of the Asset Location record displays all of the functional processes associated with a particular asset location.
Functional Process Hierarchy
A functional process has its own hierarchy. The selected asset locations for the functional process can include or not include their child locations. An asset location can be associated with many functional processes irrespective to where it sits within the hierarchy.
Refer to Maintaining Functional Processes in the Business User Guide for more information.
Refer to Understanding Functional Process Types in the Administrative User Guide for more information.