Construction Work Activities
Construction work activities manage construction work, typically involving compatible units (such as installing, removing, or maintaining a compatible unit). They can manage the creation of new assets resulting from construction, construction related repairs, or maintenance. Construction work activities can be created from a work design or can be created directly.
Activity type is shared between the activity classes (Field Activity, Work Activity, and Construction Work Activity) to control the purpose and configuration of the activity. A setting unique to both work activities and construction work activities is the “Construction Related” flag on the activity type BO which determines whether the activity is to be a construction work activity. Every construction work activity must reference a service class to identify whether or not the activity is an “overhead” activity or an activity used for construction. Overhead activities are created to collect direct overhead costs for planner time, easements, permits, and so on that are associated with the work design and construction work order. Construction work in progress (WIP) cost center on the service class is defaulted to the activity.
Each construction work activity references one or many construction locations which have one or more compatible units which define the work and resources needed at the location.